25: Wumbo & Secrets

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  • Dedicated to Zayn Jawaad

  A/N: This chapter just might get me to a million reads, if I'm lucky. And then, my dear Furbies, we will party like no tomorrow. Shout out and dedication to Zayn Malik, he's twenty! :o They grow up so fast c':


  ~Harry's P.O.V~

  Louis had somehow managed to cuddle up against me on the couch, even though when we first started to watch Spongebob he was stuffing his face with Doritos on the other side of the sofa. Part of me wanted to shrug him off, because he's always been a drooler, but I let him be. If there's one thing that Darcy had taught me, it was to cherish the time you had with someone, because you never know if they'd be by your side the next day.

  "You know: he, she, me, Wumbo? The study of Wumbosity?" Patrick's voice said from the television. I had zoned out from watching cartoons, and now my focus was in on my iPhone screen as I scrolled through my Twitter feed. I would have shut the thing off a while ago, but with Louis crashed on my shoulder, the remote all the way across the room, and the fact that I was feeling just plain lazy prevented me from doing so.

  "Don, we're pushing them too hard." I heard Paul say from his bedroom quarters. He should have known better than to be on the phone with management. We all knew that the walls of the bus were practically paper thin, a lesson learned by being able to hear people getting up and peeing in the middle of the night.

  "Just a few days. They've already got a bit of the song down, but they're only teenagers. Well fine. You obviously knew what I meant." I could practically see Paul, pacing in his room, his mouth carved into a hard line. There wasn't anyone else in the world who had an equal amount of annoyance coming at them from management but Paul. They were his bosses, and Paul wasn't one to be bossed around, rather he liked to be in charge and tell people what to do.

  "Dammit, Don! You're working them too hard!" Paul practically yelled through the phone. I found his sudden tone a bit perplexing, this was a side of Paul that he hadn't seen- heard of before.

  "I understand." I heard Paul say once more, in a small voice. I wanted to know so badly what Don was saying on the other line, but then again, just hearing his nasally voice was enough to put someone in a foul mood.

  Next to me, Louis stirred in his sleep. I didn't want him to wake up, especially to this. Although Lou might find it a bit invigiourating or something that might want him to stand up to management a bit more, I knew that he shouldn't hear it. There was too much stress on us now to worry about Don and him not being content enough with our success.

  "Harry?" Louis whispered next to me, which caused me to jump a bit. Louis frowned from this sudden movement, and I knew that he was still half asleep. I patted his matted up hair that was now sticking in all different directions from him sleeping with his hair up in a quiff, and the muscles on his face relaxed. In a way, Louis always felt like a little brother to me, even though he was three years my senior.

  Suddenly, I heard the door being ripped open and I perked up a bit in my seat, hoping that i would be Darcy who would come through the door. We'd only been officially together for a week, but it felt like whenever she was away from me I was always a little bit out of it. I had explained this to my mother one night after Darcy's quick disappearance, and she smiled at me and told me 'that's when you know you've found your soul mate.' Maybe that was when I first started becoming sadder than usual, because, my mum didn't know this, but I had been talking about Darcy and didn't think she was ever coming back.

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