Chapter 35

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        I groaned wanting to slam my head onto the walls as I chased after the car Chat Noir and the others' occupied.. I was an idiot for chasing after a dark haired girl, allowing Princess Fragrance to catch Chat Noir who was protecting the car off guard.. the girl wasn't Ladybug.. it was Marinette, And so I told her to go somewhere safe and rushed off to catch the car, the plan was simple, purify Chat and defeat Princess Fragrance.. easy. But there was a problem..

"Tikki.. do you see Ladybug? I can't defeat the Villain without her" I questioned in urgency, I can defeat and destroy Princess Fragrance' item, and release the connection it had with Rose.. but who would fix up the damages caused by Princess Fragrance? I can't purify my way out of that..

"I don't.. maybe she's still at..- I can't tell you.. maybe you should go on ahead and I'll find her.." my brows furrowed eyeing her as I halted atop of a building, keeping an eye on the car before looking down on Tikki..

"It hasn't been that long since you recovered.. don't push yourself too hard, I'm sure the Mayor can afford repairs for this Attack if you don't find her in time" I joked, scooping Tikki up into my palm and giving her a kiss on the forehead as farewell.. "I'll see you soon Tikki..  maybe" I stated letting her go before jumping off to tail the car once more, making sure not to be seen, so that Princess Fragrance wouldn't have any reason to control other Parisians into doing her bidding

       I arrived at the Pont des Arts stealthily hiding under the bridge, should I go out and just beat Princess fragrance? I sighed.. Ladybug will have to worry about the aftermath of this.. I bit my lip preparing to shoot another arrow of Creation from Tikki..

"I can't wait for us to be together.. forever~" Rose sang

"At your service Princess frgrance" the prince replied, and I can't just let the Prince lock in a love padlock against his will.. though the padlock only symbolizes their love but what love?.. I groaned.. what to do? Maybe I'll wait for a little bit more..?

"Servant.. padlock please.." nuh-uh this can't wait any longer. I Jumped up, shooting the arrow of creation and it hit the love padlock causing it to fall onto the river, only an arrow left.. I noted "my Padlock!" Princess fragrance screeched as she turned to glare at me, I gave her a grin waving at her in disinterest

"Oh, you'll be fine" i joked as she shouted hysterically, I grinned dodging the barage of pink smoke she shot at me, accidentally touching one and it evaporated into a white smoke..we both she stilled for a moment, but our reasons were different.. I can purify with touch?

"Servants.. attack!- and bring me her Necklace" I raised a brow, tripping the Mayor and Jumping over Chloe

"It's a Choker.. Princess" I mocked as I kicked Chat to side "sorry!" I called as I twirled his baton that I stealthily took from behind him to smack the back of the Aid's knees.. I'll say sorry later if Ladybug doesn't show. Princess Fragrance cackled as she gripped the Prince' wrist and flew off.. I rushed to give chase but Chat Noir tackled me to the floor, stradling me..  I smacked his chin with my palm using that moment to crawl away..

"I don't want to have to use this.." I called out to him reffering to the last remaining arrow..

"Give me your Miraculous~" he sang in a steady vibrato.. I raised a brow, a dumbfounded expression no doubt on my face, shaking my head as I dodged a kick from him.. a large pink fog, resembling a storm clouds began to cover the sky.. I pursed my lips.. Looking around.. I can't have that cover the entire sky it'll infect all of Paris.. I should just dispell it with my remaining arrow.. but that doesn't promise that it will clear it entirely.. not to mention what if she does it again?

"Perfumes are flammable.. but where will I-" I dodged Chat Noir's pursuit accidentally dropping his staff. My eyes widened, as I took out my last arrow and loaded it into my bow. Jumping out of the way of his staff, I can't miss! I aimed, but he was too fas- my eyes darted towards the boat.. I gripped the arrow and dropped the bow.. Letting him tackle me again before stabbing the arrow in his direction. Both of us were quickly bathed in a bright golden light.. and I felt woozy after.. but he seemed fine

"Li-ttle Bird.. Wh-at?" He questioned, eyes widening as he found me under him, his hand gripping one of my wrists.. I sighed in relief when I realized he was fine. I looked up seeing the fog grow bigger and bigger..

"No time.. get off me Chat.. I need to get onto the boat!" I stated trying to push him off me, as I worriedly looked up to the sky to see the Fog grow bigger and denser..

"Boat.. what boat?" He questioned and I huffed.

"Just' get off!" I screeched and he perked up..

"Is it that boat?" He questioned innocently gesturing over the boat Mayor Bourgoise prepared for the Prince' honor and stuff..

"Yes and.. are you still under Princess Fragrance' control? Move it!" He chuckled and I was sort of ready to throw hands..

"Well why didn't you just day so?" He questioned eyeing me.. and I blinked..

"Wha-t are you-?" he picked me up and I yelped! Steadying myself by wrapping my arms around his neck "No! You're-.." I sighed in exhaustion.. "Are you seriously not fully out of Princess Fragrance' control?" I questioned as he let me down on the stern of the boat. he hummed in response, eyes dilated as he gave me a chesire grin.. I suppose he is still sorta out of it.. may this day please end soon!

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