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He is absolutely perfect without makeup, ok? Ok.😍💕

*Chris's POV*

I let out a long, bored sigh. We're on tour and currently driving to our next venue. Me and Angelo are sitting on the couch, Balz is laying in his bunk, Ryan and Ghost are sitting at the table, and Ricky is sprawled out on the floor. I stood up, almost stepping on Ricky, and walked to the fridge. I grabbed a drink and plopped back down on the couch. As I took a sip of it, Ricky spoke.

"Guys," he sighed bored. "I'm gay." I spit out my Naked juice. "Ew, dude! What the fuck?" He whined as he wiped it from his face.

"You should've expected that one dude." Balz laughed.

"Really, I mean you just blurt it out. No warning, just 'hey I'm gay.' Why didn't you like at least tell us you had to talk to us?" Ricky shrugged, looking at Ryan.

"I knew you guys wouldn't care, and you'd probably give me shit if I made some big speech or whatever. It's not really that big of a deal." He had a point there. The guys would probably never leave him alone if he made some big speech. They were pretty much ignoring the fact that he just announced he's gay, they're more focused on the fact that he didn't think I'd spit my drink on him. All Ghost did was move his eyes from his phone to Ricky, shrug his shoulders, then return to his phone. Angelo looked over at Ryan and smirked, putting his hand out. Ryan mumbled something along the lines of 'fucking dumbass' as he handed over a five. Balz sat up, throwing a pillow at Ricky.

"So, is there a man in the picture?" He smirked. With a sad look in his eye, he shook his head.

"Sadly, no. To be honest, there probably never will be." And just like that, it went from happy, to sad.

"Don't think like that," I said nudging his side with my foot. "I'm sure there will be." He shook his head again, a frown on his face.

"No. I have feelings for this guy, but he doesn't have feelings for me. I haven't told him but I know he doesn't. He's not into guys. He's told me, he has a girlfriend anyway. And I've tried being with other people I just... I didn't feel anything for them, and it felt wrong to date one person when I know I'm in love with someone else." We all went silent.

"I'm sorry Ricky," Balz said with a guilty look.

"I-it's ok. You didn't know. Sorry I killed the mood guys." He whispered. Ghost got up from the table and sat on the floor next to him. He pulled him into his lap, just hugging him. He looked like he wanted to cry. Ghost whispered in Ricky's ear, making him nod. They stood up and walked to the bunks without saying a word. We sat in silence. I could feel my heart ache at how upset my best friend was over this guy. I hated seeing that crushed look in his eyes, the sadness, and disappointment written all over his face. I could hear sniffling coming from the bunks after a few minutes. My heart broke even more. I stood up, going to ask Ricky if he was alright, but Angelo grabbed my wrist. He shook his head, telling me to leave them alone for a while. I ran a hand through my hair. Poor Ricky. I thought as quiet sobs filled the bus. It both angered me and upset me that he was this upset over someone. I wanted to get up and go hold him, talk to him about who this guy is, make sure he was alright. I wanted to be there for my best friend, but I knew Ange was right. I stared at the floor, feeling my heart break as I listened to him cry.

After about an hour, the crying finally stopped, and Ghost came out. He rubbed his hands over his face and sat down next to Ryan, looking exhausted.

"Is he ok?" He nodded.

"He's... Pretty upset, but yeah. He's ok." I nodded. Hopefully, he'll be happier when he wakes up. At least we don't have a show today, so if he's not we can cheer him up.

*Ghost's POV*

"No. I have feelings for this guy, but he doesn't have feelings for me. I haven't told him but I know he doesn't. He's not into guys. He's told me, he has a girlfriend anyway. And I've tried being with other people I just... I didn't feel anything for them, and it felt wrong to date one person when I know I'm in love with someone else." He told us with a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry Ricky." Balz looked like he felt bad.

"I-it's ok. You didn't know." He whispered. Poor guy looked like he wanted to burst into tears. I pulled Ricky onto my lap, just hugging him, trying to comfort him.

"Do you want to go in the back and talk about it?" He nodded. We stood up and went into the bunk room. He crawled into his bed, curling up in a ball. I have him a sad half smile. I just stood there, stroking his hair until I heard him mumble 'please lay with me.' Pushing him to the side a little, I climbed in. Tears began falling from his eyes as I rubbed his back.

"It hurts." He cried. "Do you know how much it hurts to see the person you're in love with every day and know you can never have them?"

"Yea I- wait every day? Is it someone in the band?" He sniffled and nodded. "Balz?" No. "Ryan?" Shook his head again. "Chris?" He let out a small whimper, so I'm guessing that's a yes.

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