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*Ricky's POV*

"Oh, my fuck I missed you!" I sighed as I flopped face first on my bed. Noah giggled and laid next to me.

"Ricky?" Noah said softly as he bit his lip.


"C-can I s-sleep in here w-with you tonight?"

"Uh, yea if you want to. You could sleep in one of my guest rooms too if you want to be by yourself. It's up to you." He smiled.

"In here." I nodded and went downstairs to get pajamas and show Matthew to his room. When I got to my living room, though, I found him asleep on my couch. I laughed a little before picking him up and carrying him upstairs, the putting him on the bed in my guest room. I pulled the blankets over him and turned off the lights, going back to Noah. He was laying on my bed, flipping through the tv channels. I bent down and kissed his head before handing him his pajamas. He blushed and gave me a shy, sweet smile. "W-where is your b-bathroom?" I pointed to the door in the corner of my bedroom.

"Right through there." I grabbed a pair of pants out of my drawer and went to the hallway bathroom to change. Maybe he was just shy around all the guys on the bus, and he really is interested in me. I don't know anymore. I mean he did say yes, so I guess he's somewhat interested. I don't feel as bad now. And maybe Matthew doesn't hate me, maybe he's just worried I'll hurt Noah. I wouldn't do that. I don't ever want to hurt Noah, he's too adorable. I crawled into my bed and waited for him. I miss Chris. It hasn't even been two hours since I've seen him and I already miss him.

"Ricky?" I looked up at him. "C-can we cuddle?" He bit his lip. I smiled and opened my arms. He laid down, back against my chest, and put his arm over the one I had draped over his waist. "Goodnight." He whispered. I kissed his shoulder.


*Chris's POV*

I sighed as I sat on my couch, preparing for another sleepless night. It's probably around four in the morning, the sun will be up in two hours. I'm nowhere near tired, which means I'll either be up all day without any sleep, or I'll fall asleep and be up all night again. I shouldn't have gone to sleep on the bus. I sighed and stood up, walking to the kitchen counter where my ringing phone was. I answered it without checking who it was.


"Chris! I-I'm sorry, I know it's early. I just- he took everything and I need someone and you said I could call so..." He sniffled.

"What do you mean, Ricky? What happened? What's wrong?" He was sobbing loudly and his breathing sounded shallow and frantic. "Do you need me to come over?" I was starting to worry.

"Please hurry." He whimpered between sobs. Being that I was already dressed, I grabbed my keys and hopped in my car. I sped down the open road to Ricky's house. What the hell was he so upset about? What did he mean?

I pulled into his driveway, furrowing my eyebrows when I didn't see his truck. The unlocked door had me even more worried.

My jaw dropped when I walked in. Shattered glass all over the floor and the TV that once hung on the wall was gone. I walked up the stairs and into Ricky's room. His guitars that usually hung on the walls were missing, along with his bedroom TV.

"Ricky, what happened?" His head snapped up, and he let out another loud sob.

I sat down and wrapped my arms around his small frame. He cried into my shoulder for an hour before he finally calmed down enough to tell me.

"N-Noah. He asked me if he could sleep in here and I said yes. B-but when I woke up, there was yelling and screaming and glass breaking. I heard the front door slam and I looked out the window. He had all of my shit packed into my truck and he took off. Matthew wasn't with him. I didn't want to move to look for him." I hugged him tightly and rubbed his shoulder.

"It's okay Ricky, it's okay. Let's go see if he's still here." He whimpered but nodded. As we walked downstairs, he held my arm as tight as he possibly could. He gasped and began to sob again at the sight in front of us.

Finally updated bc I've been telling bae that I'd do it forever. But yay finally a new chapter. School in two days so😒. But this story is almost over:( I have everything written up to chapter 19. I might just post them all in one day if I have time. Might have to wait until next weekend tho. Idk. We'll see. Later lovelies😘✌🏼️~ DarlingHoldMyHeart

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