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*Ricky's POV*

"Balz come on!"

"No Ricky! What happens if I get rejected? I'd be heartbroken and humiliated and I'd never be able to show my face again." I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"That's just it though babe," I said softly. "You won't get rejected, your feelings aren't one-sided, I can tell," I told him as I ran my thumb over his hand. "Just go for it, okay? Give yourself a chance to be happy."

"I'll make you a deal." He sighed. "If you will, I will." I looked at him like he was insane, which he is for suggesting that.

"I'm not asking him out, he's straight. He's told me that a-"

"Not Chris." He smiled. "Noah." I raised my eyebrows.

"Really?" He nodded. "Okay." I pulled out my phone and dialed his number.

"H-hello?" He stuttered. He's so shy and adorable.

"Hey, Noah." I smiled.

"Oh, R-Ricky hi! W-what's up?"

"Nothing. I wanted to ask you something."


"Well I get off the tour in about a month, and I wanted to know if you'll go on a date with me ." It went completely quiet. At first, I thought he'd hung up, but his faint breathing let me know he was still there.

"A-are you serious?" His voice laced with hope.

"Dead serious."

"Y-yea, I'll g-go on a date w-with you." He sounded so happy, I couldn't help but smile.

"Great." My smile grew. As I opened my mouth to speak again, Chris pounded on the door, yelling that we have to go get food.

"W-well I guess you h-have to g-go."

"Sadly, yes, but I'll call you later. Okay, gorgeous?" I could almost see the blush on his face as he giggled.

"O-okay. Bye." I gave Balz an expectant look, making him groan. I told him to shut up and that everything would be just fine as I took his hand, dragging him out of the room. We continued to hold hands as we walked to whatever diner we were eating at. The upset looks we got from a certain someone confirmed my suspicions, his feelings aren't one sided.

Chris hasn't said two words to me since this morning and I don't know why. If I tried to talk to him, he'd just grunt in response or not answer at all. It hurts to know he's purposely not paying attention to me. Especially since I don't even know what I did. I eventually just stopped talking altogether and focused on texting Noah. The first thing he did was tell me he couldn't wait till I got home from the tour so we could go on our date. I told him that I didn't want to wait a month to see him, which caused an idea to form.

"Hey Josh, can I talk to you about something? Like seriously?" He nodded and followed me outside with a concerned look on his face.

"Everything ok, Rick?" He still had that worried look on his face since I don't usually have serious talks with him.

"Yea, yea I'm fine. I just had a question." He nodded to let me know I had his attention. "So remember that kid Noah from our last show?" He squinted as he tried to remember.

"Uh, yeah. What about him?"

"Well, I was wondering if maybe, he could come on the rest of tour with us? I mean there's only a month left and his life at home isn't the greatest and he's the one besides Chris I've felt anything for an-" My hands flew to my mouth. Fuck I need to be more careful before I end up blurting that to Chris.

"Damn. I would've bet Balz was the one you liked."

"Please don't repeat that! He can't know, he's straight and I-"

"Shut up Ricky." He laughed "I won't say anything. And yes your little boy toy can come on tour, just go tell the guys and come up with a plan for hotels and bunks." I smiled and thanked him before going back inside to tell the band. Balz was happy for me, the rest of them just went back to eating. I was so excited. Sure, we'd only met last night, but we talked a lot  since then. After eating my food, I waited forever for everyone else. I was basically bouncing in my seat, I couldn't wait to tell Noah. About 10 minutes of me whining, they finally finished and paid. I jumped on Balz's back and smacked his ass, telling him to go faster, but he ignored me. I groaned impatiently.

"Calm your tits. I think your little boyfriend can wait 5 fucking minutes." Chris snapped. I whimpered and snuggled into Balz's neck. Why is he so mad at me? What did I do wrong?

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