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*Ricky's POV*

It felt so fucking good to finally be able to say that to him. This morning when he told me that he loved me, I thought it was just a heat of the moment thing, but I could see in his eyes that he meant it. All I could think was 'kiss him.' That's all I've wanted to do for so long, and I knew I finally could. I knew Chris was finally mine. I didn't realize I hadn't said it until we were in the elevator and he was subconsciously frowning at our hands.

When we walked in, Matthew was sitting up in his bed, talking to some girl. He had a bandage on his head, a brace on his leg, and a splint on his arm. The girl looked over this way and shrieked.

"Oh my god! Y-you're Chris and Ricky from Motionless In White!"

"R-Ricky? What are you doing here?"

"You know them? Matty, why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I don't know. Didn't think of it I guess. Guys, this is my best friend, Rose." He blushed.

"Hey Rose, can you come with me? Ricky needs to talk to Matt about something." She nodded and pretty much skipped out the door. Once it was closed, I pulled the chair over to the bed.

"What happened?"

"Ricky I'm s-"

"No. What happened?"  He sighed and started to play with his fingers.

"I was having trouble sleeping, so I went downstairs to get a drink. That's when I saw Noah. He was trying to get the TV off the wall. When I asked him what he was doing he told me to shut up. I tried to stop him but he smacked me in the head with something and I started bleeding. Then he started beating the shit out of me. I tried to fight back but I started drifting in and out of consciousness. Next thing I know I'm here all by myself." He looked up "I had no idea he was going to do that to you. I didn't know he was capable of doing something like that, to be honest. I-I'll... I'll pay for everything. I mean, I don't have much, but I'll try."

"No, you don't have to pay for anything. The police are working on getting it all back." I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face. "Is your dad really as bad as Noah said he was?" He looked back down and nodded. I sighed again. "Do you have anywhere to go?" He shrugged.

"I'll probably go to a homeless shelter for a while until I find somewhere to go."

"No, you don't have to do that. You can come stay with me." He looked surprised.

"I couldn't. I don't want to bother you. "

"It's fine Matthew. You don't have anywhere to go and a homeless shelter isn't a good place, especially not in your condition, and you're gonna need help until you get better, so you should stay with me." It took some time, but finally convinced him it was okay.

After Chris and I left, he told me I could stay with him until they found my stuff. I told him about Matthew, he was skeptical at first, but he said it was ok as long we kept an eye on him. When we got home, all I wanted to do was lay around and watch a movie, so that's what we did. I took off my pants and put on one of his t-shirts so I could be more comfortable. He laid on the couch and I laid on top of him. He laughed and told me I was small, so I punched his arm.

We're currently on the couch, and he's sleeping under me. I smiled as I thought of today's events. Chris told me he loves me. I can finally tell him I love him without being afraid of getting rejected. And the sex, holy shit. It was amazing. That's no surprise, though, I figured he was good.

A loud growl coming from my stomach put an end to the wondering of my mind. I sighed and started to the kitchen, but turned around when there was a knock on the door. Anger, along with hatred, flooded my body.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

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