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*Ricky's POV*

I could barely focus during the show. Chris might be into guys, I might have a chance. Who has him questioning his sexuality, though? Why would he just all of the sudden start questioning himself unless something happened, or someone made him realize it? Who, though? He probably has his eye on someone already, so I probably don't stand a chance even if he is into guys.

"Hey, Ricky?" Noah whispered as he walked into the bunk room.


"A-are you guys taking us h- home now?"

"If you want us to, you could stay at my house." He blushed and smiled shyly.

"Y-your house."

I sighed, shoving all of my clothes into my bag. Right now, all I want to do is curl up and just stop existing. I don't want to die, I just want to disappear for a while. Chris is either getting back with a whore or interested in a guy, Noah doesn't really seem too interested in me anymore, and Balz hasn't paid any attention to me since he started dating Ghost. I get that he wants to spend time with his boyfriend, but it's been two fucking weeks, and the most he's said to me is  'switch with Ghost on stage' and 'hurry up, I still have to get ready too.' I depended on him, for almost everything, and now that he's ditched me, I've attached myself to Chris. I won't have him for much longer, though, and I can't just start leaning on Matthew and Noah, I'm by myself now. I've never really been alone, Balz was always there, but he's forgotten about me for his new boyfriend.

I climbed into Ghost's bunk and curled up in a ball, wanting to do nothing but cry.

"Ghost's bunk," I said quietly as I heard Chris call my name. He pulled the curtain open, talking about some TV show, but he stopped.

"What's wrong?" I looked up with big, sad eyes and shrugged.

"I don't know," I whispered. It was true, I didn't know what I was most upset about.

"Come here." He said gently and stepped back so I could climb out. I stood there with tears threatening to fall. His arms went around my waist and he pulled me into him. I put my hands on his chest and cuddled into his shoulder, tears streaming steadily down my face. At some point, I started to sob, and he still held me. "Shh, calm down Ricky. You'll make yourself sick." I coughed and took some shaky breaths as I tried to stop crying. He sighed and stepped away from me. "Come on. Let's get some sleep before we get home." He whispered. I wiped my eyes on my sleeves before getting into Chris's bunk. He laid on his side, facing me, and put his hand on my hip.

"I'm sorry about that. I just- I'm really upset and I don't know why. Usually, I just hold everything in a-" He pressed his finger to my lips.

"It's okay. If you ever need someone, I'm here, alright? Even off tour, I'm only a phone call away." I blushed and buried my head in his chest.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I drifted off.

Double update because I'm going on vacation for a few days. Guys... there's only nine chapters left in this story. Nine!! There is going to be a sequel, though, I promise you that. I've started planning how this whole thing is going to go. I have high hopes for it, but who knows if this shit will actually turn out like I plan. Anywhore, I want y'all to go read my newest imagine, (it's Austin Carlile and Ryan Seaman) and tell me whether or not I should turn it into a story. That's all. Adios.

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