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(This is like a week later)

*Ricky's POV*

"Babe!" I called through the house. "I'm leaving, Ghost is picking me up to hang out. Is that okay?" He yelled back a faint 'yes' and we exchanged 'I love you's' before I shut the front door.

"Hey hey beautiful, you ready?" He smirked as I got in the car.

"Nervous, but ready."

"You sure you want to do this Ricky? We don't have t-"

"No, it's okay. I-I want to." I blushed. The whole ride to his house, he assured me everything would be fine. "What if Chris finds out? What do you think he'd say?" He sighed as he unlocked the front door.

"I don't think he'd care, hun, I mean he might a little at first, but I think he'd be fine with it. Balz is." Frowning at the mention of his name, I whispered an 'okay' before walking to his bed.


To be quite honest, I loved what Ghost had done to me. Though it was awkward at certain points, it was amazing overall.

The front door shut and I looked at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"Must be our boyfriend." He chuckled. "I locked it and he's the only one with a key." I watched as he walked in and kissed Ghost's cheek, whispering 'hello gorgeous.' I felt a sudden sadness in my chest. Not out of jealousy or anything, but because we still haven't talked much, he's always distracted by his boyfriend. What shocked me, was when Ghost asked what he was doing here. He responded that he was here to see me. Then he asked if he could talk to me alone.

"I'm sorry." He sighed. "I know I haven't been a great friend lately or even a good friend. I was just so happy he was finally mine. I promise I'm gonna be better, though, we're gonna go back to how we used to be, I promise. I miss you, babe." I smiled faintly.

"I miss you too."

"Why do you look so nervous?"

"I'm worried Chris will flip if he finds out." I pouted. He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Trust me, Ricky, he'll be okay with it. I am. Besides, you liked it, right?" I smiled.

"I loved it. It was awesome."

"There you go. You shouldn't be worried about him anyway, you guys aren't even together."

"Not true," I told him with a huge grin. "I got robbed so I called him and he came over and took me for a drive. Then we went back to his house and went to sleep. When we woke up, he said 'kiss me' so I did, then I pulled away and he said he loved me, then we fucked and now we're together." I blushed.

"You got robbed?"

"Yeah. Turns out Noah wasn't so nice and innocent." He just shook his head. "Hey what time is it?"

"Uh, it's 2:45."

"Fuck! Can you bring me to Chris's?" He said yes before helping me up and rushing down the stairs with me. The whole ride there I was freaked out about how mad Chris was going to be that I was so late. "Do I have to? Can't I just tell him my phone broke so I couldn't call and come home with you?"

"Sure, if you want to hear me pound Ghost's ass all night." I threw my head back against the seat.

When I walked in, he was arguing on the phone.

"Chris, I'm home. I'm sorry I'm so late, we lost track of time." He didn't hear me, though, he was busy. "Chris." I smiled softly, standing in front of him. "Babe."

"Go away." He whispered through clenched teeth. The smile fell from my face and I shrunk away to his bedroom. After 10 minutes, he was finally done with the conversation.

"Hey baby I-"

"I'm not in the mood for you right now Ricky."

"Oh, ok," I whispered as I stood up from the bed and went to the living room. I had no car, so I couldn't drive anywhere, home isn't far, but it's too depressing. My only other options are Ange, Ryan, or the street. I tried Ange, but being that it's 3:15 in the morning, he didn't answer. So I called Ryan.

"Ricky, why are you calling so early?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, I just need someone to pick me up and I didn't know who else to call." It all came out as a whisper.

"Where are you?" He sighed.


"Ok, I'll be there soon." I hung up instead of responding. I looked down at my lap and sighed. I sat there wallowing in self-pity until Ryan arrived. I stood in the doorway of Chris's bedroom.

"Bye Chris," I whispered. He propped himself up on his elbows.

"Bye? Why bye?"

"Ryan's here to pick me up. Call me when you're 'in the mood for me.'" I hung my head as I walked out the front door. Ryan didn't seem to want me around either. I'm nothing but a burden.

GUYSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! I finished the story! I only have three chapters left to post and that will be the end of My Beautiful Horror. There will be a sequel, though. I have a plot and I know what I want to happen, I just need a title. I was having trouble thinking of one so I decided to have a contest. Comment titles and I'll pick the one I like the most. Whoever's title I use will get title credit!!!! That's all, for now, my lovelies

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