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*Ricky's POV*

It was around 12:30 when Ghost dropped me off at Ryan's, and luckily he was still awake. He held a ball of black up above his head.

"Balz dropped off some more clothes earlier." He sighed as I grabbed them. "Ricky, what's going on?" He asked, now sitting backward on the couch.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Why did I have to pick you up at three in the morning from Chris's house? Why do you get home from Ghost's in the middle of the night? What are you doing that you get home that late? Why are you always red and sweaty? And why won't you go home?" My good mood started to fade away and I stared down at my feet.

"If you don't want me staying here anymore you should've just said that," I whispered before I started to the guest room. I shoved my clothes into my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Ryan pushed me back into the room then shut the door, leading me to the bed.

"That's not how I meant it. You can stay here as long as you need. I love you like my brother, you know that. I just want to know what's up." I threw my bag down and flopped onto my back.

"You really wanna know?" He nodded.

"Let it all out, Rick." So I did.

*Chris's POV*

"Um, Chris?" Matthew called shyly from the couch.


"C-can you help me walk to the bathroom? I-I can go by myself, I just need help getting there." I sighed and stood up, holding my hand out so he could pull himself up. I held his good arm and helped him limp to the bathroom and back, then I went to the kitchen to make us breakfast. I was so caught up in thinking about what I should say to Ricky that I burned Matthew's pancakes. I sighed again and put those on my plate, giving him the good ones. After I brought him his plate and plopped down next to him, we decided to watch Scrubs on Netflix.

"I got it!" I yelled as I put the dishes in the sink. "I know what I'm gonna say to Ricky!" I pulled out my phone to call him, but the I remembered what time it is. It's only 8:30, he doesn't usually get up until at least noon. I put it away, deciding it would be best to wait until later.

*Ricky's POV*

"Hey Ryan, have you seen my phone?" I asked as I shoved my hand between the couch cushions. After thinking for a minute, he shook his head. "Can I borrow yours to call Ghost then?" He put in his passcode before handing it to me. He said it wasn't in his car or his house, so he suggested I call it. Nothing. I didn't hear it ring and no one answered. I sighed and decided to just give up. I'll find it eventually. It's probably just between Ghost's couch cushions or under the seat. Whatever, the only thing I'm doing today anyway is hanging out with Alex and Ryan.

An hour later, Ryan left to go get cigarettes and his house phone rang. Thinking it was just him because he knew I had no phone, I picked it up.

"Hello?" (from the other siiiiiiiiiiiidddddee I'm sorry I had to. Don't kill me)

"Hey Rick, it's Balz. Ghost said Chris called him and asked if you could go there so he could talk to you. Need me to pick you up?"

"Uh y-yea. If you're not too busy."

"It's fine, don't sweat it. I'll be there in 5." I raced around, putting makeup on, throwing a beanie on my head, and making sure I looked good enough. I couldn't keep the smile off my face on the way there, thinking he'd gotten over everything. Little did I know, I was in deep shit.

*Chris's POV*

I picked up the TV remote and threw it at the wall as hard as I could. How could he? We were still together. Whether we were talking or not, we were still fucking dating. He fucking cheated on me. Lying fucking bastard. He told me he loved me, and I believed it. He said it after he got laid. I'm the stupid one. I was naive, I believed him when he told me, but I shouldn't have. He said he was in love with someone here, but he never said it was me. If it was me, he wouldn't have fucking cheated. I don't blame him, though, I'd cheat on me too. I'm ugly, I sit around doing nothing all day. The only thing I could've done was treat him right. What guy wants that? Oh right, only all of them.

I heard a car door, so I got up and stood in the front doorway.

"Chris!" He smiled. "I-"

"Why the fuck did a stripper answer your phone?"

The End... Of this book

The sequel is called Rebuilding Us and chapter one is already up, so if you liked this and want to know what happens, go check that out. That's all for now, adios my Hatefucks💝 ~ <3 DarlingHoldMyHeart <3

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