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*Ricky's POV*

I woke up to someone laying on me. I groaned and rubbed my eyes before cracking them open to see who's laying on me. When I saw the black, somewhat curly, mohawk, I knew who it was. I remember him telling me he thinks he's in love, but I don't remember him lying on this small ass couch with me. I didn't bother waking him up. He looked pretty damn worn out last night after crying, so I figured I'd let him sleep. It doesn't really matter if the guys see us, it's not like we haven't been caught sleeping in the same bed before. We've been close for a while. Ever since that one night back in ninth grade. (A/N: I know they didn't know each other then but in my story they did.) Balz yawned and stretched, almost punching me in the face.

"Morning." He squeaked, then cuddled into me. "What should I do Ricky?" He asked me, still sounding upset. I shrugged

"Go for it."

"But what if I get rejected? I couldn't handle that. I'd be heartbroken."

"I know, but you a chance at least, so go for it. I would if I could." I smiled sadly at him. "Go for it babe." He laughed slightly. We used to call each other that when the guys would make jokes about us being a couple. He slowly started to nod.

"Okay. Okay, I'll do it. Maybe after the show tonight."

"Good." I smiled. I hope it works out for him. I guess if we can't both be happy, at least one of us will be.

"Morning love birds," Angelo smirked. Balz snorted.

"Wow. Haven't heard that one before."

"So original Ange." I laughed.

"Oh shut up! It's too early to be original." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.

"Anyone know where the show is today?" Balz opened his mouth to tell him but was cut off by an excited Chris.

"Portland!" He grinned adorably. "You what that means bitches!" He's so fucking cute when he's excited.

"Yes, Chris, we know. Doughnuts." I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face when I saw how happy he was. My god, I love him. He's fucking perfect. I wanna just grab his face and kiss him.

After Balz and I untangled ourselves, he went into his bunk to think, and Chris sat next to me. That, of course, made me blush. Damn him for being so lovable. I hate being in love with one of my best friends.

"Ricky." He whined, dragging out the 'y'.

"Yes?" He popped out his bottom lip in a fake pout.

"I want coffee."

"So make some." He gave me the puppy eyes and I melted. He only ever uses them on me because he knows I'm a sucker for them. I sighed. "Fine. I'll make you coffee." He gave me a big, cheesy smile. Oh Chris, if only you knew what those big, brown eyes did to me.

*Chris's POV*

When I saw Balz and Ricky on the couch this morning, part of me kind of wished it was me. I'm not really sure why. I guess I'm just lonely because my girlfriend dumped me right before the tour. Right now, his head is resting on my shoulder while he naps, and he looks like a cute little kitten. Huh. That's not something you'd normally say about your best friend... Ah well. It's true. He's adorable. It feels weird saying that about another guy but whatever. What I really want to know, is who Ricky is in love with. When I'd asked earlier he jus blushed and said a guy from back home that I didn't know. I dropped it, but I knew it was bull. I asked Balz and Ghost after he fell asleep. Ghost told me he didn't know him because it was a guy from our hometown, and Balz told me that it wasn't his secret to tell, so I just left it alone. If he wanted me to know I'd know.

I was starting to fall asleep, when Angelo knelt down next to me and made a loud popping sound in my ear, making me jump and hit Ricky in the face with my shoulder.

"Dammit, Ange!" I yelled. "I was starting to fall asleep!"

"Fine." He turned away dramatically. "I guess you don't want doughnuts." He smirked as he walked out. I gasped and literally jumped off the couch, running off the bus. Ricky slowly trailed behind us, so I whined at him to hurry up. No surprise, he smirked and walked slower. I growled and threw him over my shoulder before running to catch up with the guys. I was surprised when he didn't try to struggle. He just crossed his arms and sighed, letting me carry him. He's actually really light, so I just carried him all the way to Voodoo. But I have to admit, I had a fantastic view of his ass. As weird as it would be, I wanted to smack it. I didn't though, I controlled myself. I put him down once we were inside, and we all sat down. After Ricky finished his, an innocent smile washed over his face. He was looking at my doughnut. He opened his mouth to talk, but I spoke first.

"Don't even think about it, Olson." He tilted his head to the side and innocently smiled as he batted his eyelashes.

"Please?" His voice was soft and quiet. "Just a little?" He popped his bottom lip out a little. He looked so fucking cute, I just couldn't say no. I growled as I handed him a piece. He smiled and ate it before turning and bugging Angelo until he gave him some. Stupid cute fucker. He knows I'm the only one falls for that. On the way back to the bus, I told Ricky to carry me, to which he responded; "No! I can't carry you. I'm a weak little shit and you, sir, are a fat fuck." We started to play-fight after that. At the moment we're getting ready for the show, and Ricky is walking around in skinny jeans and no shirt because he got distracted while he was getting dressed. For some reason, though, I can't seem to keep my eyes off of him. I mean I've seen him without a shirt before, but I never really noticed how... hot Ricky is. Damn, that sounds weird, but it's true. Whatever. If someone's hot, they're hot, where's the shame in admitting it? I bit my lip as I pretty much eye-fuck him. For the first time in my life, I found myself wanting another man. And that man was Ricky.

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