part eleven.

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Mercury's mother always brushed his hair out of his face, whispering to remind him to breathe.

Breathe Cage, breathe. Her soft and rich voice melted and seeped into his small, adolescent ears. His legs were crossed on his small bed, sitting in front of his mother.

He didn't understand it. He never really did.


Mercury sat on his bed, eyes closed, and legs crossed. The harsh air rushed down his throat, filling his lungs. The cold chill dried his throat and saliva burdened his mouth.

People always say that habits that you obtain as a child always stick with you. They're right. 25 years later and Cage is still sitting cross-legged on his bed, much bigger this time. His eyes were still closed. His breathing was still slow and steady.

He knew one thing; his mother would be proud.

She would be so happy to hear about it all.

"I need to call her..." He picked up his phone, his calloused hands pressing the buttons on the phone.

It rang, it rang, it rang.

"Cage?" Her voice was groggy and small.

"Hi momma," He whispered, "What time is it?"

He looked at the time.

12:39 AM

"Oh! Sh- I- um- Mom I am so sorry! I didn't even realize what time it was!" The boy felt weak and guilty.

"Sweetheart, no- no worries. Did you need anything?" He could tell she was on the verge of falling back to sleep. He dreaded bothering her, but he wanted to make her proud. So, so proud.

He breathed, his breath hitched, "I did it, Momma, I did it," a tear ran down his face.

"Uh... did what?" His mother was confused by the previous statement. She would never judge her son, but being woken up at midnight on a Monday to be told that he "did something" is not exactly desired.

His green eyes frantically searched his room, as if the words he was searching for were hidden in plain sight, "I, um, counted? Breathed..." Cage felt so ridiculous. He woke up his exhausted mother to tell her that he counted?


He heard his mother sigh through the phone, what he didn't see was her proud smile. He reached for his hair, he felt it, and gently pulled on it. Before he could pull anymore she answered, "Cage! I am beyond happy to hear that!" His eyes filled with tears, "Honey, do you remember when Clay moved away and you laid in bed for a week and every night we had to do that?" She chuckled and placed a hand on her head.

Cage returned with a chuckle, "Of course, I remember that. That was, like, yesterday, Ma!" He laid down in bed, but before he could say anymore he heard the floorboards croak, "Uh, Ma, I'm gonna let you sleep now. Goodnight, love you."

"Love you, too, sweetie."

The boy gently got off his bed, tiptoed to his bedroom door, and slowly creaked it open. He was met with a smaller boy with blond hair and beautiful green eyes, "Clay?"

"Sorry," He chuckled, "I was gonna wake you up to ask where the cups were,"

Cage did not believe the other boy one bit. He knew where the cups were.

"Really? " The boy with brown hair made a face that was covered in question; his eyebrows raised and eyes squinted.

"I- uh- I came here to actually- um-"

Their hearts raced, butterflies flew, and their bodies sparked.

"Hm? What? You were gonna do what pretty boy?" Cage teased the other boy. He placed his hands on Clay's cheeks and pulled him close.

Clay stuttered and breathed so heavy it shook his bones, "Kiss you."

The two boys closed their lips on one another. In the most cliche way, they could feel the sparks. They could feel the intensity fill the room. The heat melted the boys, sweat was layered onto their faces, backs, and hands.

They stumbled back towards the brunet's bed; Clay pushed the door shut with his lips still on Cage's. The boys fell on top of the bed and continued to interlock their lips; they devoured each other as if they desired each other. As if they were starving for each other; their musk, their voices, them. Just them. 

Hands were tangled in hair, traveling down and down, neck, and hips. The blond boy moved his lips to the neck belonging to the brunet. Small, hushed noises came from Cage.

"Pathetic," Clay snickered.

Clay kissed his mouth once more, he stood up and left the room without another word.

"Fuck!" Cage groaned, he lay on his side and avoided the lustful thoughts and feelings.

WOAH???! are my readers still here after all this time??
anyways hope this is better than the other chapters because
I think I can write now.
ily. be safe. 


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