Episode 13: Questions Asked

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I was walking on the corridors alone because Lupin went on ahead of me to take an evening bath. Surprisingly, that Neptune guy was good at playing that board game.

While walking, I saw Ruby ran outside her room and bumped into someone.

A new student? I thought.

"Sorry, are you okay?" Says Ruby.

A green haired girl extended her hand to help her up. "I'm fine. Just watch where you're going." She was together with someone else.

"Oh, haha right. Sorry. I'm Ruby. Are you new?" Says Ruby.

And just then, a black haired woman approached her. "Visiting from Haven actually."

For some reason, my senses are screaming danger right now at the sight of her. Huh? Why am I suddenly in high alert?

They went silent. "Oooh you're here for the festival." Says Ruby. "Oh, but exchange students have their own dormitory."

"I guess we just got turned around." Says the man.

"Don't worry. Happens all the time." Says Ruby. "Your building is just east of here." The three started walking to my direction. I stared at the black haired woman because she ticks me off the wrong way.

"Thanks, maybe we'll see you around." Says the black haired woman.

"Yeah maybe, oh uh and welcome to Beacon." Says Ruby.

I was bringing the board game that Ruby left behind since she forgot about it.

As she walks past me, we were looking at each other in the eyes.

"Hey Theo!" Ruby greeted me.

"Oh Ruby. You forgot this." I handed it to her.

"Thanks." She replied.

As the three turned around the corner, the green haired woman spoke. "Do you know that guy?"

"No. But I think he's a dangerous individual." Says the black haired woman.

"Right. Then I guess we'll have to eliminate him." Says the man with them.

"No. We mustn't gather unwanted attention. Just observe him for the time being. We'll dispose of him if he's a nuisance to our plans." Says the black haired woman.

* * *

A few days has passed. We were attending Professor Port's lesson. Another boring session.

Lupin was sleeping beside me. I was struggling at keeping my eyes open. I was still listening but, it seems worthless.

Jaune sits closer to Weiss. "So Weiss. You know uh, I was thinking that after this. Maybe we could go grab a bite to eat."

A rival has shown up huh? Hang in there Jaune. I say in my mind.

Time reached at 16:00. Our class has finally ended.

"Weiss? Did you hear me?" Says Jaune.

Weiss stood up and started walking away. "No no no. Yes!"

Jaune sighed in defeat and planted his face on the table.

The others started walking behind him. Yang tapped on his shoulder. "One day."

We passed behind him too. "Good Luck man." Says Lupin.

"Hang in there buddy." I said.

We were heading to our rooms. I changed my outfit since I'm going out to resupply again.

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