2. She Remembered

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Minho was still on the floor, the same position he had been in for the past 3 minutes trying to make sense of the situation. The girl had fallen onto him and he couldn't bring himself to move. His eyes wondering from her now closed ones, to her small calloused hands laying open on the floor, to her plump lips to then the boys surrounding them. 

Everyone was as shocked as he was, it was a reasonable reaction, this never happened before. How was it possible for her to have remembered him? Who even was she? Why did she need to see him so desperately? And the question that was bugging him the most, what did she need to tell him before she passed out?

His eyes wondered back to her as something caught his eye, something written on her arm. He turned his head- furrowing his brows while doing so- to get a better look at what it said. Upon reading the message on her arm only more questions were brought up in his head, more questions he hoped she'd have the answers to when she woke up.

'Alright enough, nothing to see here get back to work shuckfaces,' Alby ordered taking the roll of second in command seeming as Nick wasn't doing much to defuse the situation.

'You heard the man, back to work.' Nick spoke, his eyes darting between the floor and each of the gladers.

Alby turned around grabbing Nick's arm and pulling him to one side, still keeping an eye out on the girl,
'Listen, Nick,' He started, bringing his hand down his own face, from his forehead, to his chin leaving his hand to wonder there before letting out a deep exhale from his mouth,
'I think it's best to call a gathering to find out what in the world just happened. If the girl remembered she must have answers.'

'You're right, it's important to find out everything she knows- if she still remembers.' Nick said glancing towards the girl while biting the inside of his cheek, still taking in what happened, before turning back around to face the glade. 


Everyone looked towards him nodding in agreement, they too thought it was important to discuss everything, especially the girl. She could be dangerous to the order of the glade, or she could be the ticket out of this place. 

Alby nodded leaving a fake thin smile to linger on his face before dropping down next to Minho, who was still trying to piece things together.

'Come on Minho bring her to the Medjacks, we'll discuss everything in the gathering.' He said patting him on the back twice as a sign for him to move.

Finally snapping out of his daze he looked up at Alby nodding ever so slightly to let him know that it was probably a good idea, brows still ever so furrowed presenting his obvious state of perplexity. 

He got up one leg after the other, picking her up and carrying the girl in his arms, bridal style.

She looked so fragile, so gentle and calm- such a big contrast to 5 minutes ago.

He was never gentle, with anyone but this time things were different. 

The girl knew him. 

She wanted to speak to him.

Even after a long day of running in the maze, he still had the power to last a while longer if needed, it was necessary incase something happened in the maze that caused him to come out a little later than usual- and even though he was longing for the time he could finally sit down to have dinner and have his very much well earned rest, he simply had too many questions he needed answers to. He knew damn well there was no way he could rest without answers or at least knowing what to do with the situation; he was pretty sure he wasn't the only one.

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