21. Punishment

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Early next morning after being interrogated by many on whether he recognised the girl or not, Thomas found himself sat on a chair in the middle of the homestead for a more serious gathering.

'In place of our leader who is in bed sick, I call this gathering, begun.' He rolled his eyes, 'As you know, these past few days have been bloody crazy, and seems quite centred around our greenbean, Tommy, sat before us.'

'He's not the greenie anymore.' Gally spoke, implying that the girl is the new greenie.

'Gally, try to keep your mouth shut because if your gonna blabber every time I speak you better bloody leave because I'm not in a very cheerful mood.'

Leona smiled at Newt finally speaking up against Gally.

'As you've all bloody heard, the greenie here made some heads turn doing what only Lee could do, and while some have been boo-hooing other have been asking for his hand in marriage. So we're here to decide what to do with him.'

Gally went to interrupt but Newt shut him down quickly, 'We all know your idea Gally, don't interrupt until it's your turn. Good that?' He faced Zart, 'Zart the fart... You start.'

'Well... I don't know? He broke the rules... but he did kill a griever, he survived out there- he proved what Leona implied- it is possible to survive out there- to survive against those grievers.' Zart spoke.

'Oh give me a break,' Gally spurted, 'I bet Minho was the one to get rid of those things.'

'Gally- stay quiet, you're digging yourself a hole.' Leona warned.

'Lee stay out of it you've only just joined the council-' He replied, causing the girl to almost stand up to face him, before Minho grabbed her hand and held her down on her chair, shaking his head disapprovingly.

'Gally- If I hear another buggin' word out ya mouth, I'll be arranging a banishment for your sorry ass.' He turned to Frypan. 'Fry?'

'I don't understand why were still questioning this, he's got more guts than the pigs I've chopped this year.'

'So what do you suggest?'

'He killed a griever, I say he joins the freaking council and trains us on how he did it.' He then faced Leona, 'Him and Leona.'

Everyone's voices errupted, some believed letting him join the council after only being here less than a week was too far fetched, and it took Newt more than a minute to shut the room up.

'Writtin' her down...'

It went round, one of the keepers had no opinion, he ended up agreeing with Fry.


'I think he should be punished, he broke our number one rule. Newt you're the one always yapping about order- so is Alby you know he'd get punished.'

'So you're suggesting he gets punished? What sort of punishment?'

'The slammer for one week, with only bread and water. Let everyone in the glade know about it so no one gets any funny ideas. The job is for the runners only, they signed up for the danger- they're trained, they're the only ones allowed in the maze.'

Gally clapped, his hands pointing to Winston, 'Finally someone who gets it.'

Leona scowled at him, 'You're being a real shuckface again Gally.' Though Leona didn't fully trust the greenie she knew he meant something to her past self, and Gally was definitely being extreme.

'I told you Leona- Greenie deserves a punishment.'

'Lee. Stop interrupting.' Newt looked at her and she grumbled like a child, 'You Gally what have I bloody told you?' He waited for Gally to calm down before speaking, 'I agree, I think he needs to be punished, but I'm saving my opinion until the end, Gally?'

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