23. Harsh Reality

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Minho immediately stopped to turn around and inspect the situation, only to find she was falling behind and the blades that slowly shut would soon close the path between her and the boys.

'Come on, come on let's go!' He encouraged, his voice raising higher in order to allow her to hear him over the walls moving, trying to get her to run through to them, 'Leona you have to go through now or you'll get stuck.'

'EASIER SAID THAN DONE MINHO.' She shouted as she streamed past the turning rocks that surrounded them, safely.

'Holy shit Lee, don't fall behind.' Thomas exclaimed, using- for the first time- her nickname.

'I'm not trying to!' She snapped back, 'I just have a terrible feeing, this isn't supposed to be happening.'

'YOU DON'T THINK?' Minho shouted.

'WHAT'VE WE DONE?' Thomas shouted.

'BUT IT'S GOTTA BE IT! IT HAS TO, THAT'S THE GRIEVERS HOLE.' Leona explained, panting as she ran out of breath before they cut a corner- letting out a shriek as a wall came stumbling down threatening to flatten her.


The lot ran faster and faster, struggling to find a way to escape under so much pressure- it was as if this section of the maze was crumbling down- perhaps a metaphor for the way the other gladers were losing their hope on their escape, yet the runners try so hard to hang on. Maybe they were just hanging onto fake hope- but if there was even a small possibility, even the slightest possibility that this could lead to their escape- they were determined to try it. Because with Teresa being the last one ever, it would mean if they don't leave this place- they'll die, and it'll all fall apart- sooner or later they knew they'd have to leave.

'MINHO?' Leona called coming to a skid as she saw their only escape through two walls were slowly closing in on themselves and if they did nothing they'd be dead meat for the grievers. 

'GO THROUGH.' Minho ordered.

And just like that Thomas jumped through and slid across. The walls were picking up speed but Leona had refused to move.

'YOU FIRST!' She shouted over the sound of the grumbling walls.


She hesitated but there was no time to argue, she slipped through the walls.



'NOT WITHOUT YOU!' She argued. 'YOU GO I GO.'

Minho breathed in deeply afraid before sliding in, making it through just before the walls fully closed tight.

'Don't you do that again.' She warned, 'Stay in front of me.'

The trio made their way out of the maze in no time after that, too afraid something else might happen while they're in there, at that rate it's far safer for them to be in the glade than in the maze.

'What the hell's going on out there?' Newt asked as the three entered the glade.

'What the hell you done now Thomas?' Gally questioned with an obvious hint of annoyance.

'We found a new passage, we think it could be the way out.' He answered.


'It's true.' Leona backed up, 'I've been thinking about it for months, but now I'm sure- I'm pretty sure I think-'

'As sure as you were when you sent Nick down there?' A random builder butted in.

'Hey you know it was NOT my fault.' She pointed coming closer to his face, her eyes growing red and her voice shook.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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