14. Can't Hide It

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She could not believe she had just survived the night, the first person to ever do that. Such a crazy event, such irony and her out of everyone? What the hell makes her so damn special, escaping death more than once. 

She definitely had far too much excitement for one day. 

But as soon as those walls opened up again she was hit with the same pain she felt before she left, hit with reality, that just because she escaped it for one night didn't mean it didn't happen at all. She had become awfully aware of the time, the gloomy atmosphere in the maze, the way the sun refused to shine today, instead the place was looking rather stormy- yet the glade never allowed rain- it was impossible. She realised just because she gathered more information unharmed it didn't fix everything. Newt was still hurt, Nick was still dead and Minho and her were still definitely not in good terms.

And she was even more painfully aware about the throbbing pain on the same leg she had hurt not so long ago, the adrenaline had definitely worn off.

So she let out a laugh, a laugh so loud she was sure whoever was waiting for her behind those walls definitely would've thought she was being controlled again. She couldn't help it, the situation wasn't funny not at all, yet she found herself hysterically laughing- a reason completely unknown to her.

She saw their shocked faces- they definitely thought she was insane, stumbling forwards with a mocking laugh- yet she didn't stop, she allowed the metal cylinder she had grabbed from the griever to slip from her hands into the grass of the glade as she took a step closer to everyone.

No one knew what to do, unsure if she was fine, unsure if she was stung, unsure if they're hallucinating from the lack of sleep. She seemed to be alive, for someone having gone through an even more traumatising event on top of the previous ones, they would've assumed she would be relieved, happy sighing with exhaustion yet there she was... Laughing like a maniac.

'Leona?' Ben questioned, too afraid to approach the girl in case she had in fact been stung by a griever.

Dripping blood had now been dried up on her face from the hits she took and she didn't blame him for not trusting her being fine in this moment. She looked like a mess.

She nodded her head to let the boy know it was indeed her and she was alive, still with that same unbelievable slime present in her face- unsure whether it was all real or not and without skipping a beat the boy launched himself at her. 

Yep. It was definitely real. She could feel the warmth in his hugs as he explains how worried everyone had been, continuously scolding her for her stupid behaviour. Many asked what happened, how she survived, yet she ignored their questions as her eyes search for one boy in particular. 

However what she came to see only made anger grow in her heart. He had turn his back on her again. 

It had started to rain now, something that has never happened before- again questions about this being her reality peaked in her mind yet she pushed them away, because she was more perplexed about the way Minho was acting at that exact moment.

Her best friend. She expected a hug- after all she thought he would've been some what worried, yet nothing- he simply turned around, hands in his hoodie pocket and walked away.

'Where are you going?' She exclaimed, calling out to him slightly pushing the boys surrounding her away.

'Away from you!' A voice breaking shouted back.


He stopped moving and let out a sneer as he removed the hood from his head.

'You're seriously asking me that?' He let out a frustrated sigh rubbing his face in anger, 'YOU'RE SO STUPID!' 

Risk Taker - Minho | The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now