10. One step forwards

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'What on earth happened out there?' Nick asked her.

She was laying down on one of the beds in homestead getting inspected by Clint and Jeff. Alby had kicked everyone out and instead stood outside of the door to prevent anyone from coming in. Minho clearly angered he couldn't see the girl kept making obvious attempts to get in, but Alby wouldn't budge.

'I deserve to know what the hell happened, I'm her shuck keeper.' Minho argued.

'Stop being a hot head and calm down she's just getting checked up.' Alby spoke trying to calm him down.

Minho needed to speak to the girl, find out what happened, find out why she was so late but also to find out how exactly she found the code.

'Wow Nick, can't even wait for me to clean up a bit?'

'Don't want you forgetting what happened, you nearly died. Insanely stupid.' He laughed.

She smiled, it's true the girl had been insanely stupid, shouting at the creature, stopping to look at it, pulling that ridiculously dangerous stunt out there... It wasn't very funny.

'Get Minho in here, he should hear this too.' She recommended and the boy nodded.

Alby had finally moved to one side as Minho scoffed walking in, squinting his eyes at Alby for not letting him come in earlier.

'Hi.' He whispered placing his hands on her shoulders, 'What's with her leg then?' 

'Not broken.' Clint sighed.

'Really so I can still run-' She exclaimed, sitting up quickly, however she winced in pain forgetting the griever had scratched her.

'What the hell?' Minho spoke, 'Why do you keep-' He went to remove her hand from her stomach only to see a massive patch of blood seeping through.

She snatched her hand back to where it was, she gave Minho a warning look, something along the lines of don't do that again.

'Leona remove your hand.' He said.

'No. I'm fine. Am I alright to run tomorrow?'

'Leona do what he said.' Nick spoke.

'Clint? Jeff? Can I run-' Clint's hands went up to her shirt to lift it up, 'No. No Clint come on it's nothing I'm fine can I go?', however Clint didn't listen and ended up showing everyone what was under it.

The boys faces went blank, shocked, emotionless.

'Leona I need to clean this up, it could get infected, it could get really painful.'

Leona started to move, trying to get out of bed.

'I don't have time for this.' She stepped foot on the floor but pain immediately shot up her leg causing her to fall onto Nick's arms. Minho immediately moved to help her sit back up.

'Stop being stubborn and lay down Leona.'

'No Minho we need to-' She stopped herself, her eyes hinting it was about the code, but couldn't because of Nick and the other boys.

'Get checked up first lay down.'


'Doll, slim it.' He ordered, and she retreated, laying back down, cursing at him with a whisper.

She took her shirt off, and all the boys uncomfortably looked away.

'Oh stop being babies, especially you Minho.'

'What's that supposed to mean?' Nick asked but she ignored the question, Minho on the other hand started to blush.

'Just check the cut, clean it then I need to talk to Minho.'

Risk Taker - Minho | The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now