9. Fugacious

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It had been a little over 3 whole weeks. Leona had been in the glade for a month now. She managed to convince Nick and Alby not to banish the boy that had hurt her that other day, and she felt proud of herself for changing something. The boy had certainly been avoiding her, but she didn't mind, she thought it was better this way.

As her hand slowly healed, Leona had been in the maze every day, searching and mapping through her own section. Each day she grew more skilled, became faster, became stronger, and was able to last a lot longer. But as each day grew past she started to understand Minho's frustration, for they still hadn't found anything new.

Minho had asked for her to be back 15 minutes before the maze doors closed due to being scared the girl would get lost. It was a sense of precaution and Leona respected it and she refused to let her best friend worry for her like that. 

However, what Minho didn't know was that every little break she took in the maze, to eat or drink water, was accompanied by some risky activity. She balanced at the edge of the cliff as she ate her sandwich, stretching her legs out as far as possible, sometimes dipping low to increase her heart beat. Taking one. step. at. a. time. 

She was scared of falling. Terrified. But she lived on that fear, because the way heartbeat would increase, the way bravery would pump through her veins as she did it, the adrenaline kept her alive, it kept her awake and relieved her from her forgotten mistakes. After the first few moments the fear starts to feed her, turning into energy. The chilly air blowing from underneath her to remind her of her possible doom, it excited her.

That was something she refused to let Minho know. She refused to because she knew he wouldn't accept it, and he'd either not allow her back in the maze by herself, or he wouldn't allow her back in the maze at all.

After her talk with Newt, she had tried her best to make the boy feel more connected, happier, aware rather than slowly losing himself. She saw him really try to feel better, she was proud of him.

And every afternoon, her and Minho had been searching for the code in the mapping room going through all the boxes. Due to spending so much time together the two had become inseparable, so close and so comfortable with each other. 

Leona hadn't gotten anymore memories which both frustrated her but also deprived her of knowledge.

Minho. Him and her hadn't talked about that kiss ever since... They still flirted with each other, a lot... So much so the two shared sexual tension visible by everyone. Of course, they had come close to kissing quite a few times, but they'd usually awkwardly break it up.

The two had kept their routine of coming out in the middle of the night to look at the sky and talk about the things that had kept them up, to catch up with the days load.


'I don't know where else it could be.' Leona mentioned, frustrated she couldn't find the code.

'Are you sure it's in the map room?'

'Yes Minho. It wouldn't make sense else where. It either would get thrown away or would've been found by now.' 

'Makes sense.' He replied, arms folded behind his head for comfort as he stared at the moon, 'So we're back to square one?'

'What? No.' She laughed, 'Minho we went through two boxes today there are so many more we need to look through.'

Risk Taker - Minho | The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now