16. Playing

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'I still don't understand what the hell the thing you found was...' Minho explained.

'Unfortunately I don't have a single clue either, like I said, probs just what it controlled it, maybe like its heart or its brain?' She told.

'I still can't believe you survived in the maze,' Ben expressed, smilling and shaking his head, 'You know if I were ever to get stuck in the maze, don't get me wrong I'd be terrified, but the thought you having survived it would give me hope. If you managed to survive I'm sure I would too. I'd hate for it to be my fate.'

'Imagine, ugly spider rips you apart.' Leona laughed, 'I doubt you'll ever get trapped in there Ben, you're far too cautious to even get yourself involved with a griever- let alone spend a night in the maze. I wouldn't allow that.' She smirked, bringing her map to her eye level making sure it's perfect... 'Besides, when you returned I'd probably be the death of you- I'd beat you so hard you'll regain your consciousness, playing with grievers are a big no no.'

'Then why'd you do it Lee?' Newt asked as the air in the room suddenly turned thick.

'Come on Newt, I know what I did was stupid but at least I survived and I won't do the same mistake again.' She replied.

'Good.' Minho spoke sternly, 'I won't let you.'

'Neither would I.' Ben warned, 'If I can't, you can't either.' He ruffled her hair up a little before turning to face Newt with his eyebrows raised.

'Right... Just because my leg's a little messed up- doesn't mean my arms are too. I'm very much capable of dragging you back into the glade if I wanted to.' Newt explained, 'So don't test me any time soon.'

The girl simply bit her lips while she allowed a smile to form, 'I wouldn't dare.'

The trio sat in silence, fixing up their maps if it was needed, before they slowly started finishing one by one.

'You comin' Ben?' She smiled after putting her map away in the correct place.

'Where?' Minho asked picking his head up from his map, brows furrowed as he lost his concentration.

'They're gonna piss Gally off again but this time they're bringing Chuck along.' Newt informed, the other runners in the room were snickering as they left, the four were usually the ones that took their time ending up alone in the room.

'Get him to stop crying will ya, it's driving me insane.' Minho spoke huffing in frustration.

Chuck had made it his priority to annoy Minho, constantly going up to him trying to start a conversation and even entering his room crying even though he shouldn't be there in the first place. Minho found it harder and harder to spend a night alone with Leona as Chuck would usually barge in crying bout his shuck family he can't even remember.

Leona understood his frustration, she thought he would've gotten over it by now, after all it has been a week and a half since his arrival and his tears still ran strong. Minho himself doesn't like to be bothered at all, let alone 3 times a day by a crying boy who wants to speak to him and his girlfriend.

'Right? I can't sleep anymore he makes so much noise getting up during the night and always brushes past my hammock.' Ben explained, 'Is this the frustration of having a newborn child? 'Cuz if so... I don't want any kids.' Ben huffed imagining what it would be like to get up every single night to feed or change a diaper of a baby... No time to sleep.

She placed her hands on Minho's shoulder and bent down to rest her head on his shoulder from behind, 'Give him just a while longer, he's just a kid... It's terrifying at first.'

Risk Taker - Minho | The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now