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[TW for mention of physical abuse. It's very brief, mentioned once. Just thought I'd put a warning! Stay safe :)]


When your best friend tells you they like someone, jealousy is not the emotion you want to feel. but for Dream, jealousy was coursing throughout his entire body.

George likes someone? And it's not Dream?

Given, Dream didn't know if George liked him or not, but it was weird to think my best friend likes me. In reality, George did like Dream. And maybe Dream felt the same. Though, Dream never knew he possibly felt the same until this moment. Until jealousy spiked throughout him, until he felt angry at the thought of George liking someone else other than him.

"How long-" Dream paused and cleared his throat, his words had come out a lot harsher than he intended. "How long have you liked them?" he asked, spinning the fidget spinner in between his fingers. On his monitor it showed George's Discord icon, the green circle around it lighting up as he began to speak.

"A few months." the fidget spinner in Dream's hand stopped spinning, and Dream's jaw clenched subconsciously. "Maybe longer. It's one of those things where you don't really realize you like them until you do, you know?"

"Why do you want to not like them anymore? Did they do something or-" George cut him off.

"No- no, I just know they don't feel the same and never will, so I don't want to have whatever feelings I have for them anymore. I don't want to hope for something that's not gonna happen."

"I get that." Dream understands how George feels, because he knows himself how it feels to want something, or someone, and knowing it won't happen. All this time, unbeknownst to Dream, he's felt the same for George as George has for him. He's wanted George, in more ways than one would think, and he's felt guilty for it. After all, George is his best friend, wouldn't it be weird to have a crush on him? Wouldn't it ruin their friendship?

Perhaps those thoughts have come from social media, or past relationships. The stereotype that says "if you get into a relationship with your best friend, it will ruin your friendship."

Now in some cases, that may be true. If you break up or get into a fight of some sorts, or you just lose feelings, it can ruin the friendship. That doesn't mean it's true for everyone, though. Some relationships can end in marriage, or they can end on good terms. It's rare that that happens, but it can happen.

Past relationships for both the blonde and brunet have broken them in different ways. Trust issues, commitment issues, being cheated on, manipulated by horrible people, emotionally and physically abused by people they loved. Heartbreak hurts worse when it's from someone you loved.

"Do you wanna come stay with me?"

Now, that was unexpected. Unexpected is an understatement, actually.

George's eyes went wide, and his jaw dropped. "What?"

Even Dream himself was shocked for springing a question like that at a time like this. His heartbeat sped up, and he shifted in his seat where he sat in his dark room, his green LED's lighting up the room enough to make out the furniture. 

"Well, we've been talking about it for a while. You've said you don't know if you want to live here, so why don't you just come stay for a short time? A week, or two, or even a month. The spare bedroom is clean, and organized. Besides, you need a distraction from your little crush, and I could use a roommate. It gets pretty lonely here all by myself."

A distraction would only work if it wasn't you, Dream. George thought to himself. How could he decline, though? Sure, the question was rather abrupt, and definitely unexpected. But, since Sapnap had moved back to Texas to be with family for a while, it was a good opportunity. A good opportunity to see if these feelings were real. A good opportunity for George to see if seeing Dream in person would make any difference.

It would make a difference. And George would be biting off more than he could chew.


I realized we were on chapter 5 without even getting into the main part of the story so here. Speed running the plot a tiny bit (and changing it a little, too).

Btw, yeah, Sapnap doesn't live with Dream in this story (as of right now, that is) He will be brought into the story later on, but for right now, we are focusing on Dream and George!

Also, other people will be mentioned later on as well! Karl, and Quackity will definitely be in this story, especially towards the end! (But that's a long ways away, so let's focus on now :D)

See ya in the next one you handsome devils ;)

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