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George wakes up to the sound of Dream's alarm clock. He can hear it all the way down the hall, and Dream takes forever to turn it off. Unwillingly, George gets out of bed. He goes into his bathroom and brushes his teeth, ignoring the voice in his head screaming at him to go back to bed.

A splotch of purple on his neck catches his eye, and he hurries to finish brushing his teeth. He goes down the hall to Dream's room, not even bothering to knock on the door before bursting in. Dream sits on his bed, phone in hand, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looks at George.

"Good morning to you too." he says sarcastically. George just rolls his eyes.

"We have a problem, genius." Dream's brows furrow.

"What?" George points to the marks on his neck that have faded a little since they were made, but are still very visible. "What about them?" Dream asks, softly smiling at the marks. George rolls his eyes again.

"How in the hell am I going to hide these?! Sapnap will see them right away!" Dream smirks.

"I thought you didn't want to hide anything from Sapnap?" Dream teases, mocking George's words from last night. Dream stands right in front of George, smirking down at him as George's heartbeat gets louder in his ears.

Still, Dream decides to help George hide the marks. As much as he would love to show off his masterpiece to the world, he understands George wish to hide them for now. He grabs one of George's hoodies from his closet, and George puts it on. Dream ties the strings into a little bow, and adjusts the sides of the hood so the marks are basically invisible, and he smiles.

"There, happy now, pretty boy?" George blushes from the pet name as he looks into the mirror.

"Shut up." George replies. And with that, Dream chuckles and walks out of the room.

Dream showers and gets ready for the day. For the next hour and a half, the two of them watch TV on the couch while they wait for their friends return. Sapnap returns around noon, parking the car in the driveway and popping the trunk to get his luggage. Dream opens the door and sees Sapnap walking around to the back of the car, meanwhile George is standing behind the blonde.

"Not even a text letting me know when you were five minutes away, harsh." Dream jokes, a big smile on his face. Sapnap looks up as soon as he hears the voice, and he smiles.

"I texted Karl instead, my bad." Sapnap grabs his bag out of the trunk and Dream walks outside and hugs him, tightly. Sapnap drops his bag on the concrete beside of he and Dream, and George still stands in the doorway. Sapnap's eyes meet George's.

Dream and Sapnap part from their hug, and George lifts a brow.

"Come give me a hug you fuckin idiot." George smiles and walks outside to hug Sapnap, and the the three of them all walk back inside together.

The three of them relax for a bit, Sapnap showers and then catches up with everything he's missed while he was gone, and Dream cooks dinner early since Sapnap was hungry. It's not until after dinner that Dream and George decide to tell Sap the news. The opportunity basically presents itself as well, and that makes everything ten times better.

"You know the necklace you're wearing has blue and green on it." George jokes, Sapnap wearing a necklace that does in fact have the two unfortunate colors on it. Sapnap smiles.

"Oh my god," Dream says hysterically, "it's DNF." George laughs and Dream joins in, and Sapnap rolls his eyes.

"God, just date already." Sapnap jokes, his two friends grinning like idiots as they look at each other. Dream nods to George, and George nods his head back.

"Maybe we are." Sapnap's eyes widen, and his brows furrow. He looks at Dream, then to George, and after seeing their facial expressions, as if they're both expecting a reaction from him, his mind blanks.

"What?" Dream and George exchange glances again, and then they confirm it.

"We..." Dream begins, George finishes the sentence for him.

"Are." Sapnap's eyes widen again.

"Wait, you two are-" Dream and George smile. "a thing?" Dream hums in confirmation and George nods. Sapnap's mouth opens in shock, and he renders speechless for a few seconds.

"Are you... okay with it?" George asks, shyly.

"Of course I'm okay with it, dumbass. As long as you both are happy, I'm happy." Sapnap smiles softly.

For the rest of the night, the three converse about how Dream and George even became 'a thing' in the first place, and they even tell Sapnap about George almost going back to England three days after his arrival. Sapnap smiles at how happy his friends are, and his feels happy, too. Dream and George mention that they haven't revealed it to their audience yet, obviously, nor have they revealed that George is even in Florida to their audience yet.

Sapnap asks when they want to announce each thing, and they both decide they should tell their audience about George being in Florida within the next few days. In the meantime, Dream and George's relationship can be private, only the trio knowing about it for now. And Sapnap is fine with that. He respects his friends wishes.

When the blonde and brunet go to bed, Dream kisses George on the lips, the both of them completely forgetting Sapnap is in the living room, the both of them still within his view. George looks at Sapnap from the hallway, and Sapnap's eyes are wide.

"Sorry," George apologizes, face going red. Dream finds his embarrassment cute.

"That's gonna take some getting used to." Sapnap says, and Dream chuckles.

For now, George decides it's best if he sleeps in his own room, and although Dream wants to convince him otherwise, he agrees with George. Sapnap is thankful for that, and he mentally prepares himself to third wheel even harder than he was before he knew that DNF was real. He did ask Dream and George if Karl could know, as well as Quackity, and both Dream and George said yes, as long as they all agreed to keep it to themselves.

Sapnap texts Karl first.

Karl 💜

You owe me $100
Read 10:42PM

Wait... WHAT?!?!
Read 10:44PM

This stays off of social media DNF is REAL
Read 10:47PM

Sapnap smiles as he drifts off to sleep later on that night. He's happy, his friends are happy, he's back home, and in the next few days, the world will know that George is really in Florida. While the audience won't know everything right away, Sapnap is still content with himself. He's happy that his friends found each other, and that they're happy with each other, and that makes his heart happy.

Everything is happy, and that's the best feeling in the world.


How we feelin ab Sapnap in this chapter :) I actually like this chapter lol

I don't know how the boys would share their relationship with the rest of the feral crew so I just improvised lol

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