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[TW: NSFW, very very brief mention of abuse]

The more Dream thought about it, the more he hated himself.

In the days it took for George to think about going to Florida, Dream also had things to think about. In fact, Dream's mind was going crazy. After asking George if he wanted to come to Florida and later leaving the call, he was nervous, excited, anxious, all of the above. He really wanted to see George in person. He'd hug him, and take him all around Orlando, and he'd be able to see him.

He'd be able to see how short George would be compared to his own height.

He's be able to see George's pretty mocha colored eyes.

He'd be able to see the mess of hair on George's head, and mess it up even more.

He'd be able to see George's hands, and how small they really are.

He'd be able to see George's lips.

Dream started hating himself the minute he wondered if he would get the chance to feel those lips on his own. He hated himself even more when he wondered how small George's hands would be around his cock, and how his lips would feel around it, too.

In his mind, it was wrong to think those things. For many reasons; George was his best friend, and George surely didn't feel the same way as Dream did, or so Dream thought. Dream himself wasn't ready for a relationship, and he quite frankly didn't believe he ever would be. His heart was broken, shattered, long ago by someone he gave his all to, and he promised himself to never let that happen again.

He told George what had happened. He was so blind to it at first, because he loved her. Or perhaps he was consumed by his love for her that he didn't care that she was toxic. He knew it was wrong; but when you love someone, you can be fooled to think that abuse is love.

Dream was left scarred and hurt. It took him months to find himself, to recover from the toxicity he had endured. It took him months to love himself, and realize he was lucky to have even recovered at all.

His heart still remains broken, though; not everything heals that easily.

Dream sat at his setup, mindlessly scrolling through fan-art on Twitter. He retweeted most of what he saw; mostly fan-art of just himself, or fan-art of himself and George. The artists in the community are beyond talented (and the author agrees with said statement), and the different styles of artwork amazed Dream.

He scrolls until he finds himself staring at his computer screen, the fan-art on display rather intriguing.

The art is well drawn and colored, a blonde with the iconic smiley face mask in his hand, dressed in dark green clothing, as well as black boots. The other figure, a brunet with the iconic white goggles, and blue t-shirt with a red outlined box on it. The two are against a tree outside in the wilderness, their bodies pressed against one another like their life depends on it. The green shirt the blonde is wearing is wrinkled in the brunet's fists as the two seem to be sharing a passionate kiss.

The art itself gives off a vibe, one that riles Dream up to the point where sweat droplets have formed on his forehead.

Seconds or minutes have gone by, Dream doesn't know. He finally tears his eyes away from the artwork, and exits out of the Twitter tab. Unfortunately for him, exiting the Twitter tab doesn't stop his mind from thinking about the image now engraved in his head.

His mind wanders to reality, and if he'll ever have George like that in real life. Surely, the outside setting is not his best preference, but he'd take a kiss from George anywhere. He wonders if George's lips feel as soft as they look. He wonders if he'd be able to control himself from doing more than just kissing.

Dream shifts uncomfortably in his chair as his sweats grow tighter. His erection strains against the material, and he curses himself for thinking so many dirty things; about his own bestfriend.

He thinks for a good five minutes before he finds himself tugging his sweats down enough to pull his cock out. His mind is stuck on George, and he can't help but to stroke himself at the thought of the brunet.

It's not long until Dream covers his hands in his own release. He cleans himself up with a much needed hot shower, and then goes to bed early in hopes of forgetting what he had done previously.

But there's one thing we all know about ourselves.

You don't forget things that easily.


I'm so sorry for that. I wanted to add in some spice LMAO

Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates. My dad was in the hospital for a while and I've been pretty busy. (Please don't ask what happened, just know that he's okay, and I'm okay.)

If you enjoyed this chapter, there will definitely be more spice in the future. I have it planned lol. I'll try to update again soon! Thanks for all the support and such :,)

See ya in the next one !

PS - boop. :)

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