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George took his seat on the plane, sending Dream a quick "on the plane now, see you soon :)" before turning on airplane mode and looking out the window. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest, his blood running hot and thick in his veins from how nervous he was. It hadn't clicked yet that in just a matter of hours he'd be face to face with Dream.

But when it clicked, oh it clicked.

All George could do was look out the window, watching as the sky went by. An occasional cloud or two would appear, disappearing just as fast as it had shown itself to the eyes of the people on the plane. The flight attendants handed out snacks and drinks, and George didn't even touch his snack, nor his drink. He was too lost in thought, too lost in his mind.

Dream cleaned his living room, his kitchen, the downstairs bathroom. He even cleaned his room. Why? It's not like George would even mind a little mess, let alone even be in Dream's room. But Dream still cleaned every inch of his house, not missing a single spot.

He wanted everything to be perfect for George, because he deserved nothing less.

By the time Dream was done cleaning, it was nearly 8PM. (A/N: we're gonna pretend that George's flight was only nine hours) He would have to pick George up at the airport soon, and when that registered in his brain, he nearly screamed.

The drive to the airport seemed long and tedious.

The entire time, Dream couldn't focus. He was more focused on the brunet, and how in just a short amount of time he'd be seeing him in person for the first time. He imagined it was more nerve racking for George than him, since George had never seen his face. But it definitely felt more nerve racking to Dream than he wanted it to.

What if he said the wrong thing? What if he did the wrong thing? What if he messes everything up and George leaves before the thirty days are up? Anything could happen.


Stop light after stop light, street sign after street sign, the airport came into view. The sky was dark, filled with stars and the shiny moon. Dream parked his car in a parking spot not too far away from the building. He got out, and locked his car. He eyed the BMW logo on the car. What would George think of that? He asked himself. Sure he was rich, probably too rich, and he liked nice things. His car was certainly more fancy than his two story house.

Thirty minutes until George's plane would land. Thirty minutes until George would walk into the airport check in, Dream waiting for him not too far away. Thirty more minutes for both men to go absolutely insane at the thought of seeing each other in person for the first time.

George felt his eyes grow heavy. Unfortunately, George didn't get to sleep on the plane, especially not when it was landing in Orlando, Florida. George watched the runway lights glide by the window, the plane coming to a halt once it had landed completely. He turned on his phone, turning off airplane mode once he was leaving the plane and walking into the big building ahead of him.

Georgie 💙: off the plane now

Dreamy 💚: at the gate :))

George checked in at the desk, the lady welcoming him to Florida once she read he was from England. George maneuvered through the crowd of people, the gate entrance farther away than what he had thought. Surprisingly, the gate entrance came into view quickly, George having pushed through the people with strategy.

He looked around for a specific person. Though, he didn't exactly know what to look for. All he had were details.

Blonde hair, green eyes, tanned skin, tall, probably wearing one of the Dream hoodies...



HAHA I am the master of cliffhangers.

Anyway, chapter 10. We made it this far. Ik it's not that far but I'm surprised I haven't lost motivation LOLS

See ya in the next one :))

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