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[TW: mentions of abuse, slight NSFW, angst]

The two ate breakfast in near silence.

Apart from Dream mentioning wanting to stream later, and George nodding his head, not much was said between the two.

It was awkward in a way, or in every way. It was only George's third full day of being in Florida, George's third full day out of the thirty that he would be staying for. To have this much happen in such a short time has proven to have some flaws.

As usual, Dream cleaned the dishes. George laid on the couch while Dream showered, his mind torturously repeating the same question.

What are we?

It was a valid question to ask. But George didn't want to scare Dream with the idea of a label. He also didn't want to force anything on to Dream, he didn't want to make him thing they had to have a label.

George knew of Dream's past. He knew of Dream's ex-girlfriend and how she hit him, hurt him in more ways than one. He hated hearing about it. George had never hated anyone before then, but the second he heard about the abuse that Dream went through, he hated her.

He wanted to fight someone. Express his anger from knowing that someone hurt Dream. Even if Dream hadn't been physically abused, and only mentally and emotionally, George still would've hated her.

Dream deserves the best. And if anyone was gonna give it to him, it would be George.

George realized last night he loved Dream romantically. He's always known he's loved him platonically, that was a given, to anyone. He loves Dream, and he'll do anything to make sure he's getting treated perfectly.

Most of the day is spent with the two in their own rooms.

George spends most of his time trying to distract himself from his thoughts, editing a video he was meant to upload a few days ago.

Dream spends most of his time on Quackity's stream. He and Quackity goof off really, and then Quackity raids Dream as Dream starts his own stream. He let George know beforehand he was going live, and George has heard every donation message being answered and read aloud.

The brunet gets a dangerous idea. One that could give everything he and Dream are hiding from their audience away.

Patches sits on the floor beside his bed. She meows when he grabs his phone from it's charger. He pulls up Dream's contact.

Dreamy 💚

Read 5:51PM

I'm live, George
Do you need something?
Received 5:51PM

Read 5:52PM

Dream's eyes cast down to his phone again, reading the three letter messages. His eyes flicker back up to his computer screen, displaying his Minecraft world. In his current situation, he wasn't expecting that from George.

He replies a minute later.

Dreamy 💚

I'm live.
Received 5:53Pm

And I want you
I want you to ruin me again
Read 5:54Pm

George bites his lip nervously. Dream has only been live for an hour, and while he hates interrupting a stream from someone who barely ever streams anyway, he can't help but see how far he can push Dream.

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