15 (part 1)

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[TW: Idk there's just a lot of tension in this LMAO)

George walked back into the living room, meeting Dream's eyes the second he looked up from his phone, still leaning onto the couch from behind the furniture piece. For a second, a mere second, Dream seemed speechless. And even though that second wasn't long at all, George took pride in it.

"Are you wearing eyeliner?" George tried to hide the smile that grew on his face.

"Yeah." Dream's eyes narrowed the slightest bit, and have George not been so confident in the moment, he would've felt intimidated by it.

The silence around them only lasted for a few seconds, but to the both of them, it felt like an eternity.

"It looks nice."

That was not the reaction George was hoping for. But he settled for it anyway. After all, what reaction was he looking for? What did he expect?

"Ready to go?" Dream flipped the keys in his hand and George shook his head. The two walked out to the black BMW, the rays of sunshine heating the surface of the car enough to feel the heat radiate from the vehicle.

With a twenty minute drive to the Mall, not much was talked about between the two. Dream asked George where he wanted to eat later, after the Mall, and George replied with "McDonald's".

Dream parked the car in the Mall parking lot and twirled his keys in his hand the whole way to the doors before placing them in his pants pocket. George knew Dream fidgeted a lot, he never minded it online when he would hear clinks of a bottle, or some other metal item, and he still didn't mind it in person either.

The first store the two went into was a men's jewellery store. Dream had to get his Rolex fixed, a couple stones missing from the watch, the band slightly broken as well. For what it cost, George was surprised to see Dream pay that much for a watch.

But then again, it was Dream. And Dream would always be the attractive, rich friend.

Dream walked into a few stores, George following behind. George didn't miss the way Dream would quickly glance at him. More specifically, looking at his eyes.

Store after store, Dream had bought a few things. George had bought a few new shirts, as well as a few new pairs of joggers. Most of the stores were more 'manly', not much to George's disliking per se, but now as the two stood in yet another more masculine store with a more feminine store across from them, George almost wished they were in the store across from them.

Dream noticed George's fleeting glances.

"Do you wanna go in that store?"

The question had George tensing, for Dream was behind him, close enough for his breath to feel hot against George's neck. The pair of jeans in George's hands were placed back on the rack in front of him, and George cursed himself for the way he was.

(A/N: Real quick, I'd like to say clothes do not have a gender. The idea of 'masculine stores' and 'feminine stores' is completely unknown to me, and if a guy wants to wear makeup, nail polish, dresses, skirts, etc., they can! If a girl wants to wear suits, and ties, and other 'masculine' clothes, they can! Even if someone is non-binary (like myself), they can also wear any clothes regardless of their gender!)

"What? No." George tried to not be defensive, of course he didn't wanna go into a 'girly store'. But just like he did online, Dream could see right through George.

"We can go in the store George, it's just a store." Dream's tone softened, and he seemed more caring with every word.

Dream wanted to make sure George was as comfortable as possible around him. He wanted to make sure that George got everything he wanted. Quite frankly, perhaps he wanted to spoil the brunet. But he would never admit that.

"It's fine, Dream. Just forget it." George tried to walk off, but with a roll of emerald eyes and a hand coming to drag George by the wrist to the store, George was hopeless.

He looked at the pink and purple LED's around the store. The skirts on racks, the chokers in display cases on desks.

"I said it was fine! We can just-" he was cut off by the blonde.

"You can get whatever you want." George huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I said-" he was cut off again.

"And I said you can get whatever you want." Dream spoke with a more stern tone, somehow his caring tone laying underneath that. George looked behind Dream, a blue skirt catching his attention. He looked back to the tall man in front of him, giving in to his words. (He always would give in to Dream's words. They both knew that.)

"Fine." George replied, grabbing the blue skirt off the rack behind Dream, and smiling widely.

If he was going to get whatever he wanted, he would take advantage of that. And quite literally, Dream didn't mind that.

The blonde could only watch as the brit grabbed multiple skirts and crop tops, sometimes disappearing behind a white changing room door to make sure the clothes he wanted fit perfectly. Internally, it was driving Dream crazy. He couldn't see George with the clothes on. He didn't care about seeing him change, he just wanted to see the skirts on him. The crop tops too.

Some skirts had chains on them, some had bows. George found a few belts as well to go with the skirts that had belt loops. Much to Dream's surprise, George even got a choker and a few chain necklaces and bracelets.

He had never seen this side of George before. But he decided he would want to in the future.

The near future.

Skirt after skirt, crop top after crop top, belt after belt, George had an entire new wardrobe. The amount spent was known to George as well as Dream, for the brit watched with a smile as the cash register showed the thousand dollar numerals.

It didn't register in his mind until they reached the car again that Dream had spent over a thousand dollars on him.

"I'm sorry."

It came out hushed, weak and shy if anything. With the buckle of his seat belt Dream looked up, confusion on his face.

"For what?" George scoffed.

"Dream! You spent over a thousand dollars on me, you didn't have to do that, idiot." Dream rolled his eyes. George pretended like it wasn't the hottest thing in the world.

"George." the stern voice saying his name was something George didn't know he could like so much. It was intimidating, and it was hot. "I told you that you could get whatever you wanted, and you did. I paid for it, happily. You have no say in it."

"Yes I do." George argued.

"Not in this you don't."

Decidedly, being told certain things in person was hotter than when Dream did it online. His demanding, stern voice could send George to do anything the man wanted him to, and he couldn't deny that.

George did want to deny one thing, though.

He liked Dream. And he didn't know exactly how long it took for that to register in his brain. He didn't know why he fell for his best friend, nor why he was attracted to him so much so that he wanted to get reactions out of him, but he did know he liked him.

And honestly, maybe Dream liked George, too.


The ending of this one is so dumb omg

Anyway, I'm currently on a writing binge lol


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