Chapter 3

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Eyes glued to the door, Ray stood, peeking from the bedroom, as his ears listened to the scream echoing through the space between him and the metal door.

The vibrations moving through the thick metal door sent shivers down his spine. Stupidly, he decided to investigate by pressing his body against the cold surface, listening to the muffled commotions.

The girl's voice was barely audible now that a few new voices joined, this time males. He could easily tell it was the guards just from the sounds of it being so artificial. The moment escalated when all voices began shouting accompanied by someone being banged on the floor or the wall.

His breathing deepened when he started hearing footsteps while the noises became louder and clearer. He pressed himself even more on the surface as if he would go through it.

"I swear to fucking god I'm going to put a bullet into this girl's head!" stated the first guard who stood on the other side of the door, grasping the girl by her neck.

"You're a moaner aren't you?" teased the second guard, tilting his head to get a better look at her breasts.

"You have only two choices, little girl. Which one will it be?" the first guard lifted the girl inches from the floor, staring straight into her trembling eyes, begging for mercy.

"Get your fucking hands off of me!!" the girl responded, kicking the first guard's metal body, bumping on the door, frightening Ray.

"I guess we already know what she chose, let's go," grumbled the second guard, gesturing to the other to bring the girl to somewhere else where no one could hear her screams.

Back on the other side of the metal door was Ray already retreating to his bedroom where he slid under the cover in the corner, he was curled like a snail hiding in its shell.

He already had a nightmare to begin with and now he had to deal with the fact he just heard someone getting abused. The energy from his spine had scattered throughout his body, resulting in his fingers shaking.

What the hell is this place?! he talked to himself as a way to relax.

But it barely did any help, leaving him awake for the rest of the hours, staring at the bedroom door, hoping to not hear the metal door creak open to be the next victim.

Kilometers away, Chap was inserting the microscope slide under the lens sandwiching a drop of Ray's blood. He breathed in heavily while he placed his eyes into the ocular lens. His right hand moved up and reached for the dial, turning it until he got the sight he wanted.

"Fascinating..." uttered the scientist when his right hand locked the dial in place while talking to the tablet, dictating everything he found for now.

Yep... your blood type will remain 'unknown', thought Chap, imagining he was speaking to either Oxford or Ray.

He brought another digital microscope and placed it next to the other, he did the same thing, however, he inserted his drop of blood for comparison. The word "fascinating" remained in his mind. He brought a third one, this time with random blood from a donor from the surface.

He switched on the three monitors and placed them side by side. His left hand moved under his chin as he stared at the staggering difference of Ray's blood between the two. Unlike Chap's and the donor's blood which both had red cells, white cells, and other types of cells, Ray's blood only had one; it was even bigger, twice the size.

Chap brought out his phone and snapped a photo of it, uploading it into the cloud and inserting it on the document shared to Oxford.

Chap was speechless on his discovery. He had never been this excited as his first day on his work. He could tell it was true when he found himself jumping on his heel. He hurried back to the cold cabinet where he retrieved Ray's syringe and carried it safely with both hands into a different machine.

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