Chapter 23

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His eyes filled with flame when he rushed towards the building. He stopped at the front entrance engulfed in a scorching blaze. A fireman pulled him by his arms, dragging him away to safety. Ray snagged his arm back and ran away.

Trying to look for another way, he remembered the staircase Fier mentioned on his escape. Quickly, he bolted to the side of the building, avoiding the raining molten steel. He found the staircase still intact, however, the ladder wasn't brought down. He found a nearby dumpster that he pushed close to reach the ladder.

He carefully and hastily lifted himself and ran up the staircase. He kept his hands away from the railings. He could feel his shoes melting and his skin being cooked. The smoke got thicker when he got to the top, smashing the kitchen window. More smoke poured. He covered his nose with his sleeve when he got inside, coughing.

Everything was glowing red. Pieces of ceiling crashed down while Ray navigated himself to Fier's bedroom.

The door was closed but not locked. In fact, after a quick inspection, he found the knob rolling on the floor. There were some dents and scratches on the door as well. The bedroom was somehow still untouched by the fire. He flipped the place upside down, scrambling around the room, shouting Fier's names through the creaking building.

He brought himself to the window, smashing it with a chair. He inhaled deeply before going back. His path back to the kitchen window was already covered with inferno when he crossed the living room which had now become a furnace. He scanned the laboratory and the gymnasium. Both were being consumed by the fire. Both were trashed.

He moved to the library where the fire has still yet to arrive. Sadly, he didn't find him. He coughed and spat on the floor when he peered back to the hall where the flame was heading in his direction. He needed a way to escape.

To buy himself more time, he slammed the door and searched around for a way out, hoping there would be a secret path. He found nothing except for the massive windows. He grabbed the thickest book he could find and threw it with both hands.

Glass shards scattered on the red carpet when he poked his head out, heavily inhaling that fresh air. He looked behind him when he positioned himself on the window frame. He started to hear some crackling. The fire was peeking under the door.

He only found a ledge to walk around the penthouse. It had the size half the width of his feet. His hands firmly gripped the frame as he lowered himself onto it. He steadily planted and pressed himself against the wall when he caught the wall of flames kicking the door down.

Carefully, he walked sideways to the side of the penthouse where he found the rooftop of the neighboring building to be a plausible escape. He jerked his head, preparing for the pain. A few meters drop with a few meters of space between the penthouse and the building.

He cursed himself for going here in the first place.

After some heavy breathing, he took the leap.

His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he landed with something cracking. He rolled and skidded across the rooftop, hitting one of the chimneys. Seconds afterward, the wave of pain came.

He squealed through his teeth while smashing his fists on the ground. He glanced at his left foot which was the source of agony. He wanted to examine his injury but he had no time for that. He honestly couldn't believe he got out of it alive!

He groaned in curses when he tried to lift himself. He couldn't move his left foot and putting weight on it would make it more painful. Instead of waiting for someone to help him, he forced himself to limp to the door and down the long stairs.

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