Chapter 12

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Ray gazed around as he absorbed the bustling city. Vehicles honked across the streets along with sirens and people chattering about. His sight was dominated by the morning rush hour traffic. Looking up, his eyes were filled with the colossal different architectures, pointing and reaching for the sky.

Oxford showed a little, quick smile as he watched the fascinated teen. He even chuckled when Ray asked if they were really out of the facility. Ray reminded him of his younger self, first time seeing this place, identical reaction. With that said, he called Ray because he wanted to show him something, or taste.

They calmly got to the other side of the sidewalk where a vendor was situated, few strangers stood near it. Oxford approached the owner and slid out his wallet. Ray remained close, observing their interaction. Upon Oxford opening his wallet, Ray caught a glimpse of a picture of two girls.

A few seconds later, Oxford received two cones and handed Ray the other. Ray's eyes shot wide when he felt how cold it was. He could see the crystals melting through the yellow cream. He glanced at Oxford who was already silently licking his. Ray followed suit.

"Oh?" uttered Ray, licking his cream-covered lips.

"You know what this is called?" asked Oxford.

"Ice cream," answered Ray without a glance, his eyes focused on the melting masterpiece, "This is amazing!" he added.

"And to think of it..." Oxford raised his right forearm, sliding his sleeve inward, "'ve only been here for a few minutes."

As they were finishing their cones, a black limousine drove past them and braked to a halt. Its design was boxy and edgy. Oxford saw the vehicle when he waved at Ray. They walked over to the humming limo when Oxford threw the last piece of his cone into his mouth. He opened the door for Ray, revealing the lush, leather, black seats and the cool air pouring out from it.

They hopped into the limousine and the chauffeur smoothly drove off without any instructions. At first, Ray slightly panicked, thinking he was being kidnapped.

"Don't worry, we've known each other since my first day," said Oxford, strapping his seatbelt on and opening one of the nearby cabinets.

He brought a bottle of wine and a glass. He served himself while Ray gazed out the window, watching the cityscape move by. The noise from the outside and the bumps on the asphalt were muted.

Oxford grabbed the daily news from the small shelf, skimming through all pages, then transferred it to Ray who replied with a questioning look. Ray unfolded the newspapers in front of him, reading the events for today and tomorrow. Those didn't catch his interest, what did was the noticeable difference of these people's faces compared to the ones in the facility. Only one thing stood out. Smiles.

He silently glanced at Oxford who was on his phone, texting. His body shaped the seat and his knees and feet were moving like a kid needing to go to the restroom. Through those, he could feel Oxford's beaming aura radiating through the cabin. The aura he didn't see or feel back at the facility.

He looked back to his window, seeing a family crossing the street. Their kids were skipping around while their parents showed laughter.

After a few minutes, their chauffeur brought them in front of a building with people flocking towards the front entrance. Ray hopped out together with Oxford, they stood at the front facade where cool air blasted through the doors. Their clothes waved through it.

Stepping into the chilly building, Ray glanced around, seeing different kinds of shops. Some were filled with stuffed animals and toys where children dragged their parents. Some were clothes, shoes, jewelry, and other wearable fashion.

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