Chapter 29

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Ray awoke from the ear-shattering screech, he jumped in his seat and darted his heavy eyes around. He didn't know how long he was asleep as he rubbed his head. He felt a slight headache and some pinching around his neck as if someone was choking him. Suddenly, he caught something on his right forearm, a reddish area near his wrist, directly on his blood vessel. He locked his eyes at Soothsayer who was calmly looking out the window.

Their locomotive stopped in the middle of the darkness. Soothsayer looked back inside and found Ray already awake, with a frightened yet deadly look.

"Don't worry, I didn't poison you or anything. I injected something into your body that placed you in slumber for a couple of days. I forgot what it's called, but Oxford used it on me, once. It also helps you to not get hungry or thirsty." said Soothsayer calmly, bringing out his flashlight.

"You're not hungry or thirsty, right? I can't help if you're hungry, but..." Soothsayer flashed his light around outside the engine. Signifying that Ray could drink the water should he get thirsty.

Ray raised a brow when he watched Soothsayer leave the cabin, stepping down the emergency ladder on the side. He poked his head out the window, hoping to find some answers to why they stopped. He looked ahead and saw another set of trains derailed, blocking both ways. They formed like a barrier, blocking both sides of the tunnel.

He shook his head when he yawned. He didn't expect to survive the trip for a couple of days. He didn't even think it would last this long. His legs were numbed from dozens of hours of no movements. He carefully stretched them out, feeling numerous spikes pricking his legs.

Soothsayer wooshed through the knee-level water, examining if this was the place. He returned to the cabin where Ray was still stretching his joints out.

"This is where you go on foot," said Soothsayer.

Ray froze in the middle of his stretch when he stared at Soothsayer. Seeing through his eye mask, he could tell he wasn't joking, also by the tone of his voice. He stood straight, parts of his body were still lazy and twitching.

"Aren't you coming?" Ray questioned, grabbing the helmet. Soothsayer shook his head No.

"This is how far I can go," he said simply.

Ray nodded and kept a straight face, but the ends of his mouth frowned. He shook his head again, reminding himself about his reason to return to the facility. There was apparently no time for drama. It had been a couple of days already. Both of them knew nothing of what Cal had done to the place. He could have killed everyone already.

Ray stepped towards the ladder, glancing at Soothsayer, thanking him for saving him in the first place, saving and helping Oxford, and helping him get back and save everyone. Soothsayer remained calm despite seeing sadness through Ray's strong facade.

"Ray," Soothsayer poked his head out when Ray climbed down the ladder. Their eyes met.

"We'll see each other again."

Ray nodded but this time with a gentle hint of relief. A smile. He jumped off the ladder and splashed onto the water. He raised the helmet above his head and stared at the dark path before him. Soothsayer told him that this tunnel only went straight to the facility, no excuse to get lost. He even reminded him about his own flashlight.

Ray dug into his pockets and brought out the light, beaming it in front of him. He looked up and nodded for the last time to Soothsayer who remained in the cabin. Soothsayer nodded back.

Ray sloshed through the somehow warm water. He figured it must be the engine. When he got to a fair amount of distance, he jumped and darted his eyes behind him when Soothsayer put the engine in reverse. The giant, blinding lights at the front of it began to get smaller and fainter. Ray remained in his place, watching the lights slowly consumed by the abyss. The puffing sounds of the engine also disappeared. Darkness and complete eerie silence accompanied him in his walk.

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