Chapter 31

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"Something to eat. Check. Something to drink. Check," Nite glanced at the small pile he formed from his little, scavenger hunt from nearby areas. He tapped his finger on his mouth, eyes narrowing on the pile.

I guess he can vomit on the floor, he thought, carefully transferring the pile onto his arms.

He moved down the stairs with confidence that his feet wouldn't trip. This quick shopping reminded him of the time during the war, when he had to do the same thing, searching for something edible for his squad. He even had to catch some bullets and kill enemies just for the sake of a few pies. Good times.

When he turned and walked the final stretch to the platform where he left Ray, all of his treasures scattered all over the floor when he kicked the rifle out of Ray's grasp. Ray's eyes were droopy until his eyes met Nite's.

"What the hell are you trying to do, kill yourself?!" Nite snagged the rifle away and glared at Ray who was radiating negative aura.

Ray's watering white eyes looked back.

"I-I thought you left me to die..." he murmured now that he saw all the ready-to-eat boxes and bottles of water around his numbing legs.

"Tch! If I were then what was the point of carrying all these!" Nite suddenly lowered his voice when he glanced at the door. He looked back to Ray who was sniffing and wiping his face from tears.

Nite shook his head with disappointment before grabbing one of the boxes nearby, a pair of utensils, and a bottle of water. He gave them to Ray before he could see the other side of life. Ray apologized for his stupidity in between his sniffs while opening the box, a tiny cloud of steam sprouted. Nite didn't say a word. He ended the conversation there, leaving no choice but for Ray to eat in silence.

Nite returned to his spot with a stance, watching the teen slowly regain his color. If he knew this would happen, he should have brought some tissues as well. Maybe a few rolls could be enough.

Ray silently and awkwardly stared at the robot as he munched. The longer he stared at him, the clearer he could see through that metal body. He could imagine Nite waking up one day with only one purpose. To kill. He could imagine him running through the battlefield with his men, taking lives that were only following orders and their beliefs.

Could this be what Cal was trying to say earlier, fighting for what they believed in? What do people like Oxford and Nite believed in that could result in genocide when compared to what Azalea and Zinnia believed?

"You're staring too long at me," said Nite, snapping Ray out of his thoughts.

Ray didn't realize how long he had his eyes at him. He instantly looked away, returning to his thoughts. As always, there was more to this facility than what met the eyes.

After Ray had eaten most of the boxes, drank most of the bottles, and his color fully returned, Nite began to speak again.

"I've been following you for a very long time, Ray."

Ray looked at him, eyes furrowed and feet ready to run.

"You just didn't know, no one does," he added before pushing himself away from the wall.

"So you are aware of what is happening to this place?"

Nite nodded but there was a catch.

"Not literally, but for the most part, yes. Believe me. It's not just you that I've been watching, a few other people as well. Cal has been acting strangely recently, especially after you showed up," Nite paused, waiting for Ray to say something, "As if he was scared."

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