Chapter 32

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Ray ran behind Nite as they dashed through the empty halls, the halls which would soon be filled with guards and flying bullets. He had no idea where they were heading, he trusted Nite still. They hugged the corners as they drifted from hall to hall. Flashing red lights and blaring alarms continued to intensify the situation.

They got separated when Nite crossed the hall and a wave of bullets flew by. Ray slipped and scurried back behind the corner, pistol ready. He breathed fast, staring at Nite for orders.

Nite used his mirror technique again when he reached something behind his back. He brought out another pistol, exactly the same as Ray's. How many pistols did Nite have on himself that Ray didn't notice?

"Cover your ears," said Nite when his pistol peeked and fired. The bullet zipped through the hall and landed on the floor, exploding, sending the group of guards positioned near it into all directions.

Nite poked his mirror out and nodded at Ray who instantly jumped across. They returned to their running. They passed numerous cameras on their way, Ray lost count. They got to their destination which was a giant double-door. Painted across it were texts that read "Storage [F]".

Ray had a strong feeling that Cal wiped his biometrics off from the system, but to be sure, Ray approached the scanner where he pressed his hand. The scanner produced a chime and the doors hummed open. Both furrowed at each other. Why would Cal leave Ray's biometrics in the system?

Running past the doors, and onto the barely lit catwalks, Ray was in complete surprise when he saw thousands of pods lined up in rows around him. All were producing white smoke that flowed down. He inched towards one of them, seeing through the thin sheet of frost inside, he gasped. Inside of these pods were the employees of the facility. Nite didn't know what he should feel. Should he feel happy because he was right that this place remained and was still being used?

Ray checked another pod, then another, and another. Nite rolled his eyes, knowing that Ray won't be able to find what he was looking for at this rate and method. Ray sped around, glancing at each pod, until finally.

"Aha!" he shouted with glee.

He was leaning over the gate when he found Oxford in a pod. There was a gas mask strapped onto his face. His eyes were closed as if he was sick again. He looked around and found a console nearby. He matched the number printed across Oxford's pod and the one on the side of the console before pressing the green button.

The pod hissed and more smoke poured out. The pod moved towards the gate as it opened. Ray and Nite stayed in their spot when the pod was fully opened, Oxford was still wearing the same clothes the last time Ray saw.

"What now?" asked Ray all of the sudden, glancing at Nite who shrugged.

Ray figured to put the helmet on to Oxford's head and insert the chip and hope for the best everything would go back to normal. He did it carefully, his fingers shivered on the frozen air within the pod. The device fitted snugly on Oxford's head. Nothing happened.

Until a flat hologram appeared on Oxford's face. A message formed.

"Unauthorized transfer".

Ray clicked his tongue, looking over at Nite again who only shrugged. Finally, he spoke.

"You have no idea how to use that, do you?"

Ray didn't answer. Nite immediately sighed, shaking his head with disappointment. He couldn't believe they traveled this far, put their lives at risk, and here they were, having no idea how to operate it.

"You work here, you should know this," said Nite.

"You also worked here!", snapped Ray.

Nite didn't say anything back. Both of them were at fault. Both were unprepared. Nite kept his ear alert when he marched back to the door to guard it. Strangely, not a single guard had come. Ray was left alone with Oxford's pod, rubbing his chin. If only he knew someone who had an idea on how to use the helmet.

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