Chapter 18

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It had been a few days since Oxford witnessed the somewhat spectacular moment between the two. It persisted in his mind as he wrote it down on Ray's document, sharing it with the rest of his team. He spent most of the days in his bedroom because he had to plan for his trip with his friends, and of course, thinking of Sion's idea of Ray being a brainwashed Micro. Even if the idea was wrong, they still had to deal with him for probably a long time. However, if the idea was right... could this be a conspiracy? What if Oxford was right all along that the management was toying him?

He leaned backward as he stretched his back, chair squeaking while rubbing his forehead, then his eyes. He got up from the seat and slid the curtains away, bringing sunlight back to the room. He glanced at his wristwatch after he stretched his neck and arms. He fixed his unruly hair before walking out of the room and across to the other side of the penthouse, where he heard the two's echoing voices.

He stood with a stance on the doorway of the laboratory, watching Ray and the robot create glow sticks. Their vials glowed beautifully in their hands until the lights were flicked on by Oxford.

The two were wearing smiles and lab gowns, however, Ray was the only one wearing goggles and gloves. As Oxford approached them, he joked about them eventually creating a nuclear reactor in his residence one day.

"...either way, you two seem to be having much fun as I've anticipated," he added, stopping at the other side of the island, hands tucked into his pocket.

"It would be better if you joined," Ray brought out another pair of goggles from the cabinet. Oxford waved his hand, declining the offer.

"I know. That's why you're coming with me to the trip," said Oxford, pausing the conversation for Ray and the robot to exchange gazes, smiles disappearing.

Ray looked at Oxford, furrowing. He asked if he was joking and Oxford shook his head No with a serious look. Oxford knew Ray would react this way, excited. But he was wrong. Ray placed the glass tube down and cleared his throat. He glanced at the robot who hid his frown by stepping away, pretending he was doing something.

"What about him?" Ray motioned at the robot whose back was facing them.

"Simple. As usual, he stays."

Oxford said while showing no emotion. He then left the laboratory, leaving the two speechless from the sudden intrusion of their moment. Ray took off his goggles and gloves with a disappointing sigh. He removed his gown when the robot spoke.

"It's alright. I'm used to it anyway," the robot tried to be calm, but was horrible at hiding his shaking voice, "Y-you should start pack-"

"No," Ray intervened. With a determined face, he marched out of the laboratory and to Oxford.

The robot quickly followed but stopped at the end of the corridor, pressing his body on the corner as he listened to their voices.

"...isn't there another way for him to come with us?" Ray asked, placing his hands on his waist, staring at Oxford who was holding a few oranges, the door of the fridge slowly closing behind him.

Oxford cocked with his eyes narrowing. He didn't expect his test subject to react this way. Definitely not how Micro would. He blinked several times at Ray before proceeding his way to the juicer.

"You do know he's a robot right?" Oxford said, then he continued that if someone saw the robot, it would cause catastrophe not just on the surface, but in the facility as well, resulting straight in a death sentence for Ray and Oxford and his entire team.

Oxford wasn't going to risk it. He had put his life at risk many times enough already. Even others.

"So what if he's a robot? What is the point of having him here in the first place then, to be a slave?" Ray questioned with a stern look.

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