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Seb waved at me and put a finger over his mouth to indicate for me to stay quiet. I tip toed to the empty bed and sat on it. Seb started to text me.

Seb:so what happened
Y/n:I cleaned his room
Seb:oh what?! I thought you'd fuck him for sure.
Y/n:dude i like sex but I'm not gonna bang every chance i get
Y/n:i mean we coulda fucked a few times. And i coulda fucked sam. And probably your sister if i wanted to. Hell even emily
Seb:ok ok i get it damn lol
Y/n:so what happened
Seb:eh they were just having too much fun
Y/n:its nice to see you and maru are getting along
Seb:no i still hate her, but Sam is in love with penny and penny is in love with maru so i get the triangle here all the time.
Y/n:whatcha working on
Seb:I'm sending the last email to my boss. I'm asking for this upcoming weekend off.

Before he could tell me marus phone went off waking her up. She stretched and kissed penny on the head as she left. Penny got up and brushed herself off as she headed out next. Sam got up and sat on the couch as he threw peanuts at abbys sleeping body.

Seb:you good?
Sam:ya...no...i dont think i want to be with penny anymore. I think I'm done.
Y/n:are you sure?
Seb:dont act like that. Y/n has known you for years.
Abby:shut up!

She threw her empty beer at us and left soon after. Seb closed his computer and he told me him and sam would be going to zuzu today, they invited me but i said no. I had just alittle extra money so i could maybe get some new tools so i headed to clints.

Clint:oh hey y/n
Y/n:hey how much to upgrade one of my tools?
Clint:hm um 2000
Y/n:oh...i dont have that much. Thanks anyway.
Clint:hey..ill make you a deal.
Y/n:..what is it
Clint:get me a date with emily and I'll upgrade all your tools for free

I ran over to Emily's house where she was adjusting the dresses and suits for the flower dance. Haley was yelling at her about how bad everything looks but wouldn't help her fix it. I looked at the tags on all the suits, they each had everyone who was dancing this years name.

Emily:oh hey y/n I'm really sorry but I'm busy today
Y/n:go on a date with clint and ill do all of this for you.
Emily:you...you know how to sew.
Y/n:ya. My mom taught me
Emily:...why clint
Y/n:because. You want a date with someone and he wants a date with you. You can ask him why later. Please?
Emily:fine. When and where
Y/n:good question i should have asked him

I ran back to clints and told him. He didnt believe me and got angry, so i called emily to come over there. They ended up going to zuzu for the day while i stayed at Emily's and did all the dresses and suits while haley verbally abused me.

Haley:seriously you cant even compare to my sister. And clint doesn't deserve her hes such a pick me.
Y/N:oh my yoba i have the greatest idea of all time
Haley:...do you need help.
Y/n:...are you actually gonna help?

Haley and i fixed all the dresses and started on the suits. It was 8pm by the time we finished and emily had gotten back. She had the biggest smile on her face.

Emily:oh goodie! The flower dance is on Wednesday so this weekend i need to give everyone their clothes and fix whatever doesn't fit.
Haley:i helped. Now I'm going to bed.
Emily:wait..you helped him? Really?
Haley:no one else can read your slop of writing.
Y/n:how was the date.
Emily:...really nice. I didnt expect it honestly. He told me why he acted the way he did around me for so long and it makes sense now haha
Y/n:great. Gus has called nonstop. You're very late.

She ran out and i followed slowly. I bumped into clint having a panic attack and stopped to help him.

Clint:no I'm fine..she she kissed my cheek. I'm ok i just
Y/n:damn i guess you'll have to get me iridium quality stuff now
Clint:youre getting iron.
Y/n:fair. So lover boy, wanna get some food?
Clint:...ya lets go.

We ate at the saloon and emily flirted with him the whole time. It was cute. I saw seb and abby and sam walk in and i left clint with his new girlfriend. I also dragged shane with me.

Shane:wow you got them together. That's...wow
Seb:wait no way
Abby:awww he looks so happy
Sam:ya...how'd you do that.
Y/n:i told her to go. That was it. I mean i also fixed all of your suits and dresses for the flower dance but eh
Abby:speaking of do you still have your dads old suit?
Y/n:oh...i can call my mom and see if she has it but I'm not sure.

I called and my mom picked up immediately. She sounded happy. She told me shed be down there this weekend to drop off the suit and maybe see some old friends. Which caused shane and sam to talk about how attractive my mom was and made me punch both of them in the gut.

Seb:ok who's going against me, sam is bad at this
Y/n:ME! Ill beat you up too seb.
Seb:come at me, c/n

I failed. I accidentally hit the 8 ball in the hole my first hit and gave up immediately. Then shane started to play against him and gave him a real challenge. Seb still won but only by one hit. The night ended after that and we all headed home. On our way seb and i talked about where my mom would even stay.

Seb:gus has a room for guests of the town. Hell probably lend it out to her.
Y/n:ya. I just feel bad. I wish she could stay with me. You know?
Seb:ya i get it.
Y/N:..I'm really happy for clint
Seb:oh ya...I'm surprised you did that for him
Y/n:he promised to upgrade my tools for free
Seb:wow haha hey..wanna watch a movie?

As we walked in we saw marus dress and sebs suit.

Robin:oh good! Get changed.

Robin threw the clothes at him and forced him into the bathroom while i sat there waiting. Demetrius started to talk to me while the two got their clothes on.

D(i dont want to spell his name I'm sorry): so are you and maru close?
Y/n:eh not really. I mean she was always so focused on school so we really
D:good. She doesn't need someone to distract her.
Robin:Hey! That was rude.
Y/n:...but shes with penny. So even if i liked her we wouldn't be dating.
D:she...my maru has a girlfriend? Since when?!
Robin:right that was a secrete. It's ok y/n you didnt know
Robin:I'm her mom. Of course i knew. I also am not as crazy as you are.
Maru:ok so this is just a little too big, right...oh hey y/n
Y/n:i can fix it if you want, here do you have a sewing kit?
Maru:moms room lets go
Robin:DEMITRIUS! How dare you!
Maru:wow...dad that was...come on y/n i dont want to yell at my dad right now.

We went to robins room where i put a pin so i could fix the dress.

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