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**its monday morning your in bed and seb crawls in with you. along with sam and abby.*

Y/n:hey assholes.
Seb:whoa whoa what?!
Y/n:oh you think you can dog pile me and all will be forgiven?!
Sam:we...we didnt text him
Abby:wait no one did?!

I threw everyone to the ground and stood on the bed as the winner. They all laughed and so did i. I'm glade they are safe but not Text or call worried me a lot. I forced seb to try on his suit in front of everyone and it looked perfect, he said it even felt better than normal. He got changed and i took a shower. I wanted to see alex but my gut still felt wrong about seeing him. And the appointment with harvey was weird too. I think he knew something happened in the bathhouse. He told me my pulse was high and i lied telling him doctor offices scare me but thats not true. Everyone started to relax in sebs room, all seeming to be happy. Then seb noticed. I had scrubbed his room clean. The bookshelves and all his clothes were now washed and even is bathroom looked brand new.

Seb:...wait this means you saw my secrete draw.
Y/n:ya i did. And i closed it and i will never speak of it.
Seb:...did you see or read any of it.

It was a draw inside his underwear draw. It had finished comic books all written by him. I really wanted to read them but i just couldnt do it, i didnt want to cross lines especially when hes letting me sleep here. Sam and abby tried to get me to talk but I wouldn't. Then sam, the himbo he is, went through my backpack and found an unopened note and a small ring with it.

Sam:yo whats this?
Y/n:oh that's a ring raz gave me. He told me it connected him, grandpa, and Linus. I guess i kinda forgot about it.
Sam:and the note from him too?
Y/n:No i dont think so. I kinda forgot about it too and haven't read it
Sam:can i?
Y/n:you have to do a dramatic reading of it.

He jumped onto the little table and acted as one of those guys that say here ye here ye.

Sam:dear, y/n. (Oh great start)

We all started to laugh at his comment, knowing there were more to come.

Sam:thanks for the birthday party. It was my first since i got back and it was the best one Ive had since i was a teenager. Sorry if I'm distant for the next few weeks. I'm trying to get some help. You're the best. And i hope we can hang out alone again soon. -shane ok what
Y/n:oh that makes sense.
Y/n:i made him pizza for his birthday and we sat at the dock at night. He was upset and sad so i just let him vent. Then we passed out watching tv. Well...i passed out.
Sam:oh that was the night you slept over
Abby:...what the fuck?! Y/n youre sleeping over tonight. Got it?
Y/n:yes mam!
Abby:its sergeant to you!
Y/n:...no its not.
Y/n:abby its either mam or sir or if you really want Mx. but thats it.
Abby:...fine mam it is.

We all laughed and she started packing my stuff for the night even thought it was still morning. We ended up watching the train go by for a while and naming all the tags we could spot, then they showed me the pictures from the skull caverns and told me how cool the oasis hotel was. It was more of like a bnb with a small casino though since only sandy works there and the casino you have to have a special card to get in. Then they told me about the desert traitor and how they wanted to go back soon and get some stuff from her. And how cool the camel was.

Abby:oh then i found a prismatic shard and guess what?
Y/n:No way you found one?! Where is it?!
Abby:while we were admiring it outside i saw this weird spot in the desert and went over to i dont know why but i did and the shard turned into this!

She showed me a purple sword and after that the other two showed me there's. They said when they got far enough down the mines there were hundreds of shards there. They even got me a sword and I accepted it as the apology i needed for no texts or calls. After all the excitement abby dragged me to her place. I said hello to Pierre and Caroline who I talked to while abby cleaned her room.

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