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I ran up the mountain and into his room. Sam and abby were just leaving when they saw me out of breath on the floor.

Sam:yo bro you good?
Abby:why'd you run here?
Seb:hey, are you ok?

I handed him the bouquet and fell. I dont know why i ran to pierres and all the way to my farm up the back woods and to the mountain. I knew he wouldn't be leaving his house today but here i am being an idiot. He smiled and sam and abby did too. They left us alone and seb fell next to me hugging me.

Seb:of course! I didnt..i didnt think you felt the same way.
Y/n:of course i do idiot.

He grabbed my red out of breathe face and kissed me hard. He kept pushing into me and soon enough i was against the door and he was ontop of me.

Seb:y/n...i dont want to hold back.

He ripped his hoodie off and grabbed the back of my neck to pull me into a more passionate kiss. As we both started to stand up while keeping eachother locked into the kiss i locked the door and we headed to the closes spot we could which ended up being the couch. I climbed ontop and grinded on him as he moaned into me.

Y/n:youre moans are so hot.
Seb:sh..shut up

He started blushing and i took off my shirt and pants. He watched me and quickly took off his pants as well. We were standing there staring at eachothers boners through our boxers. His was...bigger than anticipated. I started to go down on my knees but he stopped me, forcing me to stand and watch him suck on my dick. I grabbed the back of his head to make him go in rhythm but he hardly needed it. He was really good at this. His tounge wrapped around me and th noises he made made me moan his name.

Seb:fuck me.
Y/ you have lube?

He grabbed a small bottle of lube and i bent him over his table. I grabbed his hips and rammed into him. He felt so tight and good i almost came but he begged me to wait until he was ready. I forced it back and a few minuets of me fucking him he told me it was his turn. He bent me over next and stroked my cock as he pumped his in me. It felt so good i didnt want it to stop.

Seb:fu..fuck can i cum in
Y/n:no cum on me. Please.
Seb:fu..fuck ok. Get down here.

He shoved my mouth around his cock and made me swallow his cum. I say made...i was happy to do it. He smiled as i showed him my empty mouth then he laid me down and started to ride me. He bent close to my ears and moaned my name with a soft hard voice. He wanted me to cum inside. He begged me to do it.

Seb:its all I've wanted please. Y/n oh fuck y/n
Y/n:no. Swallow.

I forced him off of me and made him swallow my cum. After he showed me his empty mouth we both laughed and went to clean up. Only to keep getting turned back on and going for multiple rounds. When we both were too tired to go again we cuddled in bed, fully naked and just leaving marks on eachother since we didnt have anything left to give.

*for the people who are here for more than just lemons*

Seb and I spent the day together after that, the whole town knew He was mine and i was His by the end of the day. And that winter we got married. Abby and Sam ended up starting an online dating app that became really successful. It helped many people figure out their sexuality and help people experiment with no judgment.Emily and Clint ended up getting back together at our wedding and alex and haley both became fashion models. Alex for a sports magazine and haley for a makeup one. Harvey and maru ended up together and had a couple of cute kids.Leah and elliot ended up writing and illustrating a book together and it became a top seller. They became partners in writing. Penny ended up starting up a real school in town where she was the principal. And Shane ended up taking over the ranch and selling his patent blue chickens around the world. Life was was happy

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