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I'm at it again because im bored and motivated at the same time, so here are questions people have asked me, and ones that I think are just nice to tell.

My birthday is October 16, and I am a Libra if you believe in that
I am a major cat person
My favorite color is yellow, followed closely by red and purple
I think I should throw this out there before anyone asks, but please for the love of God don't ask me my race or skin color, it makes me so very uncomfortable
If you haven't read my bio im a pansexual transgender male who goes by he/they/it/vey/xe pronouns, but any except she/her are fine
My favorite video game is the sims 4
My favorite food is fried eggs (they are so good)
My hobbies include sleeping, baking, writing, and gardening
I'm obsessed with extraterrestrial life, urban legends and myths, and paranormal activities, if you ask me about these things I will talk about them for a very long time
I joined wattpad because someone recommended a dreamnotfound fanfic, and I started searching up nihachu x minx things and realized there were non, so I started this fic
I will not share my opinions on any of the drama happening rn in the dsmp community rn, because it will only spark war in the comments
I have a sister
I have a girlfriend/partner (their a demigirl and go by she/they)
I am out to my parents, and they accept me :)
I dont really have a favorite follower/commenter on my storys, but if I really had to choose it would be either BeetleCorpse, or Puggylu, but I appreciate all of you fully <3
I horde blankets because they make me feel safe :)
I have pretty bad paranoia, because I constantly feel like I'm being watched, especially when I walk past my back door at night or when I use the bathroom at night 😃👍
My sleep schedule is fucked, as I'm writing this at 3:30 AM
My mental health is a million times better, just anxiety and gender dysphoria
I also have social anxiety,and I cant begin to tell you how hard it is to introduce myself to people, which is why I thrive on the internet
I have a phobia if spiders and heights, so you can imagine what happened when I was talking a shower and saw a spider IN THE SHOWER
I'm also demisexual and graysexual, which means I am only sexualy attracted to people I know well, and graysexual is not feeling a lot of sexual attraction
Thats all I can think of rn, so if you have any questions just ask, I'll answer them if they're not too personal.
So another question, do yall have any allergies? I have a pollen allergy and spring is by far my least favorite season, winter is 1000% times better

We Have Each other     A Justaminx x Captain Puffy fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin