Karma Time

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The sound of his phone ringing woke Y/N from his slumber as he opened his eyes and let out a yawn. He sat up on his bed and reached for his phone which was laying on the desk next to his bed. He picked it up and turned the alarm off. He placed his phone on his bed and let out a sigh, before rubbing his eyes. He got up from his bed and rubbed the back of his head before heading out of his dorm to prepare himself for the day

He returned to his dorm room several minutes later, almost ready for the day. He was all washed up and his teeth were brushed. Now all he needed to do was to get dressed into his uniform. It didn't took him long to do so. Only a moment or two had to pass until Y/N put his uniform on himself. He disliked the idea of having to wear one, but at this point he had already gotten used to wearing it.

He picked up his phone from his bed and checked the hour. He still had some time before he'll leave for school and what was a better way to kill some time using his laptop. He came over to his desk and sat down on the chair before turning his laptopt. He leaned down in his chair as he waited for his wallpaper appear in his view which lasted only a short moment. He reached for his mouse and grabbed it before moving the cursor towards the web browser.

Good thing the internet in this place was good enough that he could play video games games or browse the internet without any connection problems. He visited a few of his favourite sites he usually visited after waking up to see if something interesting was uploaded onto them before deciding to check Youtube. He felt how a small smile formed on his lips when he saw that Jadis, one of his friends from America, uploaded another on video her Youtube channel which was another cover of a song she liked.

Not really having any better options in his recommendations, he clicked on the video and started listening to it. He smiled to himself. Jadis' singing voice was really beautiful. He shook his head, smilling when he recalled how much time and effort he and his friends put to get her and Brian together. They couldn't help themselves. Brian and Jadis were just too good for each other to make them stay as friends.

He let out a short chuckle as he remembered how Troy reacted after Brian and Jadis revealed to them that they were going to give being in a relationship a chance. The bright side of his two friends getting together was definitely the fact that they didn't seem to regret their choice and were in a happy relationship to this day and it didn't seem like they were going to split up anytime soon.

But the other, less bright side was the fact that teasing Jadis and Brian wasn't as fun as it used to be before they started their relationship. It was mostly because they didn't get as flustered as they used to be before they started seeing each other whenever he or Troy or Samantha teased them which used to happen a lot.

He rubbed his chin with his free hand, continuing to browse Youtube as he started to think about more stuff he could do in his free time during his stay in Japan. He spend most of his free time on going on some walks into the city or using his laptop to browse the internet or to play video games. He hang out a few times with someone from his new class after school, but it was only from time to time, like that one time when he and Nagisa helped Sugino train his throwing skills after Koro-sensei told him about his elbows and wrists.

He didn't spend much time with the other exchange students mostly because they started behaving towards him in the same the rest of the school behaves towards the students from E Class after he was placed in the said class. He of course found the comments he received from his fellow exchange students annoying, but for most of the time just ignored them, knowing that it was the best thing he could do about them.

Maybe he could start watching a new TV show since he was already done with the last one he watching. There was this one TV show that Samantha recommended him a while ago. It was about two brothers that were hunting down bunch of supernatural creatures like evil spirits. She told him that it was similiar to the X Files but with demons being the main focus instead of aliens. Perharps it was a good time to give this show a chance?

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