Chapter Three

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"That's three!" exclaimed Moonpaw as she caught another wood mouse. Ever since Batheart taught Moonpaw how to hunt, she's been incredibly good at catching prey.

"Very good, Moonpaw." Batheart praised her. They had been hunting for most of the day and almost found nothing.

It was the late afternoon now and Batheart couldn't get the prophecy off her mind. "Batheart, what's wrong?" Moonpaw interrupted her train of thought.

"Uh nothing, Moonpaw, continue hunting." Batheart nosed her away. I need to speak with the other Clan cats.

Moonpaw came back to her with a squirrel in her jaws. "Wow! The Clan is going to be eating good tonight!" Batheart praised.

I can't just march into other Clans territory, maybe I should bring Pumpkinseed.

Moonpaw was looking very concerned now. "Was it cause of last night? You seemed pretty phased by that tom." she mewed.

"Y-Yeah, he just startled me, that's all." Batheart replied. "Now let's bring back this prey."

They padded back into camp and she could hear various mews of delight. "Wow! You guys caught all that prey? In leaf-bare!" exclaimed Oakpaw, Hawkflight came up with him.

"It was all Moonpaw!" Batheart praised, looking down at her. "Take that rabbit and squirrel you caught to the elders, I'll take this mouse to the nursery." Batheart told her.

"Okay!" Moonpaw picked back up the prey and rushed over to the elder's den. Batheart went over to the nursery.

It always felt great to be in here because it brought back amazing memories of Goldenwing.

Batheart dropped her prey next to Ambermoon. "Thank you, Batheart" Batheart nodded and started to leave. "Wait." Ambermoon stopped her.

She looked to her kits and waved them away. "Go find Emberstrike or Flamebreeze and go play with them." Ambermoon's kits nodded and scurried off.

"Yes, Ambermoon?" Batheart asked, Ambermoon got up and headed for the den entrance, flicking her tail for her to follow.

Batheart followed her into the middle of camp. "Come and walk with me." Ambermoon walked to the camp entrance, Batheart curiously followed.

"What's wrong? I can tell something is up." Ambermoon walked beside her, they walked to the Great Sycamore and laid down under the tree.

"Nothing's wrong-" Batheart tried to explain but she was cut off. "Batheart, I know you too well, what's wrong?"

Batheart thought for a while then finally responded. "I'm in love, but I've made a huge mistake." Batheart sighed.

Ambermoon's eyes widened. "Who is it? Frogleap? Sweetwish? Crowflight?" questioned Ambermoon.

"No! None of them!" she felt her face heat up. Ambermoon laughed. "It's Frogleap, huh? He is quite a handsome tom, you'd make good kits." Ambermoon teased.

"No! Ambermoon!" Batheart buried her head in her paws. "He's like a brother to me, not a mate!" Batheart said through her paws.

"Then who? Tell me!" Ambermoon begged. "You might hate me though.." Batheart thought about it, if she found out that she had been meeting up with a RiverClan for many moons she'd shred her!

"Nonsense, Batheart, your love happened for a reason." Ambermoon explained. Batheart shifted closer to Ambermoon and whispered, "I'm in love with Skywing of RiverClan.."

Startled, Ambermoon jumped back, her mouth was open. Batheart looked down. "He knows. We've been meeting ever since my first Gathering," Batheart prepared herself for a scold but Ambermoon just calmly looked at her.

"He loves you?" Ambermoon asked. Batheart nodded. Ambermoon didn't look startled anymore, but rather.. happy?

"I'm happy for you, Batheart, but you're breaking the warrior code by meeting him." Ambermoon said sternly.

"Well we wont be meeting anymore." Batheart's voice broke off in sadness. "What happened?" Ambermoon questioned.

"Yesterday I was with Moonpaw looking at Sunningrocks and Skywing was there and I had to act like he was an enemy warrior and I had to be mean." Batheart explained.

Ambermoon looked down at her. "Aw, it'll be okay, Batheart." Batheart shook her head. "What if he doesn't love me anymore?" Batheart whimpered.

"I promise, he still loves you, you need to talk to him. I'll talk to Riverstar to see if she'll let you go to this Gathering, which is tomorrow I believe." Ambermoon looked at the sun, it was almost sinking below the trees.

Batheart followed her gaze to the sinking sun. "I should take Moonpaw out battle training like I promised before the sun sets." Batheart got up and headed for the camp. She got in and took Moonpaw to the Sandy Hollow.

"The first move I'm going to be teaching you is the front paw swipe, its where you extend your claws and swipe like this," Batheart extended her claws and swiped the air.

Moonpaw followed. "That was great. Now, I'm going to teach you a battle crouch."


A day later, Batheart was now waiting for Riverstar to call the cats to go to the Gathering. Riverstar hopped onto the Highrock.

Most of the cats were already there so there was no need to call the Clan together.

"The cats going to the Gathering are Batheart, Hawkflight, Flamebreeze, Emberstrike, Ashheart, Shadowheart, Moonpaw, Oakpaw," Riverstar went on. "Acorntail, Lightheart and Pumpkinseed will also come."

Riverstar jumped down and flicked her tail for all the cats to follow. Batheart found Moonpaw and took her to the group. They all waited for the signal to leave.

"Let's go." Riverstar flicked her tail and they all took off. Moonpaw matched Batheart stride for stride. "I can't wait!" Moonpaw looked like she was about to explode with happiness.

Batheart looked at her. "When you get there, stay with Oakpaw, I have to do some..stuff." Batheart instructed.

Moonpaw nodded. "Yep!" Batheart hopped over a small log. "When the leaders begin to speak, come find me." Batheart told her.

Moonpaw nodded and went to talk to Oakpaw. I must speak with Skywing first. I hope he's there..

After a while of walking, they entered Fourtrees and waited for the signal to dive down into the large clearing, all the Clans were there.

Riverstar gave the signal and they burst into the clearing, running fast and hard down to meet the other Clans.

Batheart instinctively looked around. After looking over each head, she spotted a familiar face among the crowd. Skywing!

Book Two, ChosenWhere stories live. Discover now