Chapter Eleven

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Fallenkit's POV

It had been a moon since Frostedkit's, Juniperkit's, Fallenkit's and Streamkit's arrival, Batstar had said. Fallenkit didn't understand what she ment, and when Fallenkit went to ask, Batstar said she'd tell him when he was older.

Fallenkit and his siblings were now a moon old and were exploring the camp for the first time. Batstar was showing them. Fallenkit exited the nursery for the very first time.

"Wow!" exclaimed Frostedkit.

"It's so big!" squeaked Juniperkit.

"And you went up there?" exclaimed Streamkit, staring up at the Greatledge.

"Yep!" Batstar laughed, she went over to the Greatledge and hopped up.

"Wow! I still can't get over the fact our mother is the leader!" exclaimed Fallenkit.

Batstar hopped down. "I'll show you the dens now, come on!" Fallenkit and his siblings followed Batstar to the entrance.

"This is the entrance, that's how we get out. When you're apprentices, your mentors will show you outside." Batstar explained, Fallenkit approached the bramble entrance.

Through it, Fallenkit could see a vast moor. Then, he felt teeth wrap around his neck. "Batstar!" exclaimed Fallenkit.

"Kits are not allowed outside camp." Batstar warned. Fallenkit squirmed away from her grip.

"But why?" Asked Frostedkit, her eyes were gleaming with wonder. "Because there are dangerous things only apprentices and warriors can experience."

"Oh." Frostedkit looked down. "Now now, kits, I'm not even close to done showing you StormClan's camp!" Batstar exclaimed, briefly touching her nose to each kit, trying to cheer them up.

"Next to the entrance is the warriors den! That's where Skywing and Brambleheart sleep currently, but soon more warriors will sleep there!" Batstar explained to them.

Fallenkit looked at the large den. It was constructed of strong brambles and roots, similar to the nursery.

"Then, over here is the apprentices den, now, Oakpaw and Moonpaw sleep there, when you four reach six moons, you will sleep there aswell." Batstar and the kits moved over to the slightly smaller den.

It was constructed of brambles and thorns, it was very well protected. Fallenkit now really wanted to be an apprentice so he could sleep on his own in his own nest, he'd be so grown up!

The next den was the nursery, Fallenkit, Streamkit, Frostedkit and Juniperkit were all very familiar with that so they moved to the next den.

"This is the elders den. When senior warriors grow older, they retire and become elders, another reason a warrior would retire would be due to an injury." Batstar explained to them.

Fallenkit's siblings looked at the den in amazement. "It's so big!" exclaimed Streamkit. Fallenkit was shocked. Streamkit and Fallenkit rarely ever talked, they preferred listening. It was Juniperkit and Frostedkit who were the chatter-boxes.

"Yes it is. Over here is the medicine cats den. Meadowheart, StormClan's medicine cat, sleeps there. She takes care of any injuries that could potentially happen to our Clan." Batstar finished.

Fallenkit poked his nose into the den. It smelt strongly of herbs, it didn't smell too good, Fallenkit wrinkled his nose. Fallenkit noticed that Streamkit was looking at the den in amazement. Does she want to be a medicine cat? Thought Fallenkit. Really?

Juniperkit nudged Streamkit. "C'mon! We're going!" Streamkit blinked back into reality and quickly followed him, making brief eye contact with Fallenkit.

Fallenkit trodded after her and they padded up to the Greatledge. "Under the Greatledge is my den. Right now, Sweetwish sleeps there because she is acting leader, but when you kits become apprentices, I'll be back in that den." Batstar flicked her tail towards her den.

Fallenkit looked at Batstar's den then at the Greatledge and back again. Wow. I wish I could be the leader, StormClan seemed great! Batstar beckoned her four kits back to the nursery. The sun was now setting.

"Now, are you kits ready for your night time story?" Asked Batstar. Every night, Batstar would tell Fallenkit and his siblings a story before they fell asleep.

"Yes!" exclaimed Frostedkit. Batstar laid down and each kit followed and started to suckle for milk. While Fallenkit and his siblings were suckling, Batstar started a story.

"I'll tell you a new story tonight. I'll tell you the story about Jingleberry." Batstar started to smoothen each kit's fur.

In between Batstar's comforting licks, she told the story.

"Back a long time ago when I lived in ThunderClan, it was the time of the full moon Gathering. I didn't hear the leaders speak because I was busy gossiping to your father about the prophecy-" Batstar was cut off by Juniperkit's mew.

"What prophecy?" he asked. Juniperkit! We're trying to listen to a story here! Thought Fallenkit, but he was too tired to say anything.

"I'll tell you all when you're a bit older." Batstar replied to Juniperkit. Juniperkit surprisingly didn't protest, but went back to suckling.

"Anyways, me and your father heard a yowl coming from the Greatrock so we decided to come back to the clearing, because we were hiding in a bush, so we came back to the clearing and there was a snow-colored tom with bright berry red eyes standing on the Greatrock." Batstar went on.

Fallenkit listened to the story. Who was Jingleberry? He wondered. "That tom is Jingleberry and he told the Clans that on the first new moon of leaf-bare, every year, each cat from each Clan must come together and bring prey and a gift to give to another cat." Batstar explained.

Fallenkit heard Streamkit yawn and Juniperkit was snoring. It was only Fallenkit and Frostedkit left awake now. "The first thing everyone did was share prey. Everyone got one piece of prey from any Clan and we sat down and ate it and talked to each other.." Batstar's soothing voice soon lulled Fallenkit asleep and he fell into a deep slumber.

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