Chapter Nineteen

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Streampaw's POV. Told in first person.

In the distance, I saw some apprentices looking not nearly as nervous as I. "Hello," I said to the apprentices. They turned towards me. "Hi!" squeaked a bigger blue-gray she-cat.

"I'm Streampaw. This is my first Gathering." I told them.

"Well, this is our second." the bold red-ish tom told me.

"I'm Oceanpaw, that's Pinepaw and Maplepaw, my brothers." Oceanpaw pointed to her two brothers. I dipped my head in greeting. Then, a yowl came from the Great Rock indicating the Gathering was to start.

The five Clans separated back into their groups and Streampaw walked to the front of the Clans and sat beneath the Great Rock with Meadowheart. 

Lakestar, the leader of RiverClan stepped forward first. "Nothing much has happened in RiverClan, but Crystalheart is expecting Earthroot's kits."

Words of encouragement flowed from all Clans. I looked around and saw Oceanpaw at the front of the Great Rock too. She must be a medicine cat apprentice too. I'll be seeing a lot of her I guess.

"Looking ever small, huh, Batstar?" commented Fawnstar. Fawnstar was looking StormClan up and down.

"StormClan may be small but we are strong and ready to fight brutes like you!" exclaimed Batstar, glaring at Fawnstar. Fawnstar continued talking, unphased by the comment. "ShadowClan is well. We fought a badger off our territory but it didn't leave without taking one of our beloved warriors."

The whole clearing was silent. "ShadowClan will always remember you, Rainwhisker, as you now hunt with StarClan." Fawnstar hung her head down.

Silenced mutters came across the Clans for a few moments, and then Fawnstar spoke once more. "I would also like to acknowledge Rabbitfur as my deputy."

Four of the five Clans cheered Rabbitfur's name, Streampaw noticed that not many StormClan cats cheered along.

Fallowstar stepped forward and nodded to Fawnstar. "WindClan is thriving with an abundance of prey this green-leaf. We have everything we need for the upcoming leaf-fall," Fallowstar said before stepping back.

Batstar stepped forward. "StormClan is well and is benefiting greatly from this green-leaf. I am happy to announce that my kits have become apprentices. I'd like to welcome Juniperpaw, Frostedpaw, Fallenpaw, and Streampaw."

All five Clans cheered their names. I held my head up high as I heard my name being called. "I also have wonderful news that one of our warriors, Sweetwish, is expecting Oakleaf's kits!" I saw Oakleaf stick his head up high as other cats gave him mews of congratulations.

"Our warriors have detected strong scent markers on our territory, left by ShadowClan." Batstar made it clear to Fawnstar that this is unacceptable and must be dealt with promptly.

"ShadowClan wants nothing to do with your Clan, Batstar, we just want to prove that we're recovering." Fawnstar gently explained.

Batstar fixed her gaze and spoke in a firm tone, "Very well. If any of your warriors dare to trespass on our territory, be warned that we will not hesitate to use our claws."

I shivered. Who knew my mother could've been so.. aggressive? I mean, I agree with her, but still. Fawnstar dipped her head and signaled to Riverstar to speak.

"ThunderClan is well, we've seen good prey this season, and when leaf-fall comes, we will be prepared." Riverstar held her head down. "But alas, that is not all I have to share. Our beloved medicine cat, Cherryfur has passed on to StarClan, but we fully welcome Pumpkinseed as our new medicine cat now."

The Clans were silent for a few heartbeats, which felt like hours. I looked back up to my mentor, who had her head down. I quickly copied her.

"Many of us hadn't got to know Cherryfur, but those who did will remember her for seasons upon seasons to come," Riverstar said, she raised her head again. "That is all." she finished, stepping back.

The leaders turned to talk for a while and as they did, the cats took this opportunity to chat. Meadowheart took me over to the other medicine cats.

"This is Pumpkinseed," Meadowheart told me as we approached the ThunderClan medicine cat. Pumpkinseed dipped her head in greeting. I looked in her soft gaze for a while and felt pain and guilt. It washed over me and I soon felt horrible.

I guess it's hard losing your mentor... the cat you care about so deeply...

Meadowheart and I continued and we saw a cream-colored she-cat. "This is Dawnwing, the WindClan medicine cat," Meadowheart told me.

"Hello," Dawnwing's voice was soft, like the falling of a feather. "Hi! I'm Streampaw!" I introduced myself.

"Why hello, Streampaw, it's very nice to meet you." Dawnwing dipped her head. We moved on to a white tom. "That is Seagulltail, RiverClan's medicine cat. Seagulltail dipped his head.

"Hello, you must be Streampaw." Seagulltail's voice was raspy. It was clear he was old in age.

"I am. It's very nice to meet you." I told him, respectfully. "And you," he responded.

Meadowheart took me to the last medicine cat. We padded up to them. It was Oceanpaw! She must be a medicine cat!

"This is Shadetail and his apprentice, Oceanpaw."

Shadetail nodded to greet me.

"Hi Oceanpaw!" I exclaimed, I was surprised she was a medicine cat apprentice too.

"I didn't know you were Meadowheart's apprentice! Hi!" Oceanpaw responded. She came up to me and nuzzled me. I nuzzled back and stared into her blue eyes.

Oceanpaw truly was a beautiful cat - in many ways, she had bright, clear eyes, a strongly built body, a shiny-soft pelt, and a bold, but friendly personality.

Even though I just met her, I can tell we'll get along. "Earth to Streampaw?" Oceanpaw poked me with her claw, and I chuckled.

Ah yes, and she's funny.

"Sorry, I guess I got sidetracked.." I got lost in her gaze.

I found happiness, excitement, and.. oh StarClan.. love?!

I quickly blinked away from her gaze looking down. Shocked at what I found I kept my head down. "Are you okay, Streampaw?" Oceanpaw asked me.

I never had the chance to respond as I heard loud yowling coming from the Great Rock. Everyone was leaving at that moment. After saying a brief goodbye to Oceanpaw, I followed Meadowheart back to our Clan. Batstar jumped down from the rock and walked to the front, leading us on our way back home.

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