Chapter Thirteen

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Batstar's POV. 4 moons later.

My precious kits were now a whole five moons old. It was hard to realize that I'd have to make them apprentices soon. I am laying down next to my kits, adoring their sight when I heard a mew at the entrance of the den.

"Batstar?" it was Meadowheart. "Come in." I replied, Meadowheart stepped in.

"The new cat wishes to speak with you." Meadowheart explained to me. I nodded. The new cat hadn't been able to speak for moons, he had a major throat injury, which Meadowheart had cured. I stood up, exited the den and raced over to the medicine cats den, Meadowheart was following.

I entered the den to see the cat sitting up and washing himself. "Hello!" I said friendly, the cat looked up."Are you the leader?" he asked, his voice was very raspy. "Yes, I am, Batstar."

The cat nodded. "I am Smokey." Smokey sighed and laid back down. I nodded politely to him. "You wish to speak with me?" I asked, licking my chest fur.

"Yes, I was just wondering, what is all this?" Smokey was signaling to her camp.

"Well this is my Clan, StormClan, a Clan is a group of cats who live in the wild, we hunt and fight and protect each other." I gently explained to him. This poor cat had probably been terrified by our hospitality, not being able to speak at all.

Smokey nodded. "Interesting. Your Clan doesn't look to big." he commented. Batstar nodded. "We don't have many warriors yet, we could really use some.." I trailed off, looking at Smokey.

"I see. If you would have me, I'd love to join." Smokey looked Batstar dead in the eyes. His green eyes were gleaming. I nodded. "We'd appreciate that a lot. How old are you?" I asked him, the gray tom licked his paw.

"I am around seven moons, I'm not entirely sure." Smokey responded. I then nodded.

"You realize you must follow our rules and our ways, and most importantly, you must take a different name." I carefully explained to him.

"I know how the name system works, I've been in the medicine den for four moons." Smokey responded.

"Perfect. I'll make the announcement now." I exited the den and Smokey followed.

I thought about what Smokey's new name could be, then it clicked. I knew exactly what it would be. Excitment coursed through my paws. My first naming ceremony!

I hopped onto the Greatledge and called the Clan together. Once everyone was seated, I begun to speak. "Smokey wishes to join StormClan and take the role of an apprentice. From this day forward, until he earns his warrior name, he will now be known as Stonepaw. His mentor, Skywing."

"Stonepaw! Stonepaw! Stonepaw! Stonepaw!" StormClan cheered his new name. Stonepaw stuck his head up in the air, admiring his new Clan name.

I watched as Skywing came to Stonepaw and touched noses with him. "That's not all." I announced as the Clan started to disperse.

"Two apprentices have finished their assessment successfully and are ready to become warriors." out of the corner of my eye I saw Oakpaw and Moonpaw's eyes light up.

"Would Moonpaw and Oakpaw please come forward?" I called the two cats forward.

Moonpaw and Oakpaw came up to the Greatledge. I looked up at the sky. "I, Batstar of StormClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices. They've trained hard to understand your noble code and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn."

Moonpaw and Oakpaw looked nervously at each other. I leaped down from the Greatledge and stood in front of Moonpaw.

"Moonpaw, do you promise to protect and defend this Clan even at the cost of your own life?" I asked Moonpaw traditionally.

Moonpaw dipped her head. "I do." she replied confidently. "Then from this day forward you will be known as Moonwish. StarClan honors your courage and bravery and welcomes you as a full warrior of StormClan." I went on. I placed my head on hers and she respectfully licked my shoulder.

I moved on to Oakpaw. "Oakpaw, do you promise to protect and defend this Clan even at the cost of your own life?"

"I do." Oakpaw nodded confidently. I went on. "Then from this day forward you will now be known as Oakleaf. StarClan honors your swiftness and strength and welcomes you as a full warrior of StormClan." I finished the ceremonial words and the Clan cheered their new names.

I hopped back onto the Greatledge and looked at the beautiful sunset. "Before you all go to your dens, I have more to announce."

I looked down at my Clan. "Oakleaf and Moonwish will sit a silent vigil and guard us while we sleep."

"I will also be attending tomorrow night's Gathering." I finished speaking and hopped down. The rest of StormClan dispersed back into their dens.

Oakleaf and Moonwish were heading for the camp entrance to get to their vigil.

I quickly ran back to my kits who were talking in the nursery. "I'm happy for Oakleaf and Moonwish!" exclaimed Frostedkit.

"I can't wait until I'm a warrior!" Fallenkit stood up and puffed out his chest.

"You're not even an apprentice!" exclaimed Juniperkit.

"I'm not all that sure I wanna be a warrior.." Streamkit shyly said.

I looked to her. "Do you want to be a medicine cat?" I asked.

Streamkit nodded. "I think so. Herbs and healing cats is so interesting! Are you okay with that..?" Streamkit nervously asked. I looked lovingly at her. "I am fine with whatever path you choose, love, so long as you're happy."

Streamkit's eyes lit up instantly. "Yay!" I laughed. "I'll put in a word with Meadowheart."

Streamkit thanked me. "A medicine cat? Really?" questioned Juniperkit.

"I can pick whatever path I want!" defended Streamkit, looking briefly to me.

"That's right!" I nodded. "Medicine cats or not, I will love all of you unconditionally." They all nodded. I laid into my nest. "Come sleep." I motioned for them to come next to me.

The four kits snuggled up to my belly. I sighed. I live a truly great life. I thought to myself. I laid my head down and rolled into a quick, deep slumber.

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