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Peter found me it the woods.
"Did you know he was in he tree? Because that was not your best plan if you did."
"I thought it was Felix."
"Felix would've shot you, again."
"Too loyal."
That's what you think... "Wow it's really hard to find someone else here who isn't Pan's bitch."
He laughed "you don't think I have enemies?"
"Fine, Peter what's your game?"
"What're your rules Peter." I snapped.
"If I win, you stay on this island and do what I say. Your brothers stay too."
"There is nothing in that for me."
"Well, you're already here, you accepted my game even without knowing the rules, in afraid the deal is closed."
Smart ass.
Wait- "what if I win?" I take that last comment back.
"Here's the thing, and you said this yourself, you only win the game if it's your game to play." he smirked.
I put that comment back out there. "What's your game, Peter?"
"First you have to know the rules.
1, you don't leave camp without my permission.
2, you play and participate in any and all games we play.
3, you cannot interact with anyone or other than a, real, lost boy. That includes animals."
"Why animals?"
"There's been incidents."
I laughed. "Fine." I threw my hands up in the air.
"Good" he smirked.
Before I knew it I was in a cage above camp. I banged on the cage. "Peter!!"
He looked up at me and shook his head.
I spent 3 months eating, sleeping, and drawing shapes with a flaming finger in the darkness, when my cage shook.
At first I looked down. No one was there. The cage next to me shook. Then mine. I looked up a dark figure was on my cage looking down at me.
"Who are you?" He asked, a deep voice.
"My name is Ash."
He furrowed his brow then, knocked on the cage.
"Good luck it's enchanted."
"I know."He continued knocking.
"What are you doing?"
"Everything has a weak spot." He went around the cage. Then pulled at a single beam in the cage. It came out.
I crawled over, surprised. He held out his hand and I squeezed out. "Thanks."
He helped me on top of another cage.
"Why are you helping me?"
He smiled amused. "You needed it."
I looked down.
"Why's it so dark up here."
"No clue. Gives Neverland an even darker feel."
He nodded.
"Are you a lost boy?"
"If I was, you'd still be in that cage."
"Who are you."
"Give me your hand." He reached out. He held my hand looking at it.
My cage started to come down.
"Crap!" I jumped in it. The figure came back over and but the beam back in place.
"I'll find you." He said.
I turned around. Pan stood there. "Good Afternoon." He opened the cage. "We're playing a game."
"Yipeee." I said sarcastically, and walked out.
"Your on my team. All you have to know, is to win you have to be the last one standing." He smirked."How's it up there."
"Suits you."
He laughed. "The helpless caged look I like it."
I rolled my eyes. "So what do I do?"
"Don't get caught. Don't use magic."
I got really upset up there I broke out connection. He couldn't track me, I couldn't track him. l ran into the woods. Once I was far enough I sat down... and waited to be trapped.
Oh don't look at me like that.

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