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I went back and found Blight in the forest. 'How did you know?' I mouthed
"Your burn."
I tried to cover it with my hair, I couldnt change it since it was put there by magic. Peter could notice.
"Why cant you talk?"
I just touched my throat maybe this woud be harder then I thought.
"you came back for Henry?"
I nodded.
"Peter hid him in your house."
My eyes got huge.
"He thought you weren't coming back, so he took your half brother to draw you back."
I flashed away, my house is still there. But I couldnt go get him now. I went back and turned around Peter stood infront of me. I froze.
He waved his hand over my throat. He lifted my voice curse.
He smiled and said nothing.
I leaned back and crossedmy arms. I could stay silent for a while.
"Still not gonna talk?"
He squinted at me. Dont see through me.
"Im sorry Peter who?" I asked.
He bit his lip.
I flashed a little away from my house.
Peter found me. "What's your name?"
"Why should I tell you?" I walked back to my house.
He followed.
"What a pretty house. Who made it?"
"Doesn't matter, long gone now."
"Is it yours? Do you use it?"
"Sometimes." He leaned on it. "Why did you attack me out there?"
"The blood rush."
"So you attack people for the fun of it?"
"Sometimes, why? I bet you don't."
He chuckled. "Sometimes, what's your name?" He asked again.
"What's yours?"
"I asked you first."
"I'm the girl."
"Ladies first." He offered.
"Touché." I eyed him, I loved it when he beat me- what?
"You seem torn between something."
"I'm bored." I came up with. "I'm torn between attacking you or that tree." someone was in that tree, I could feel it, someone with magic.
"Was that a threat?" He laughed.
"I don't think that tree did anything to deserve that."
"How about eavesdropping?" I flicked my wrist a boy fell out of the tree.
Henry. Crap. He was hiding from Peter.
Within the moment I was smashed to the floor. Peter saw my reaction. "Who are you!?!" He yelled.
"I thought we went through this." I growled. I flipped my hair under him to the side with my burn.
"What are you hiding?" He smirked and moved my hair away. He looked at it, shocked. "A- Ash?"
I flipped my hair back. "Like my new look?" I flipped him off with my feet, and started running. I got half way into the woods when I realized something.
I forgot Henry.

The "Never" KingWhere stories live. Discover now