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Peter's POV (long time)
Did that really just happen?
How could she play me during that?
I had liked the kiss on the beach, I thought she would melt. She couldn't be that broken. It scares me to think of what happened if she knows how to play filled with lust.
Ashley's POV.
He looked at me puzzled for a moment, I rolled off of him.
He shook his head laughing. "Why would I let you leave now? Oh and speaking of home, what's this?" He held up the bracelet I had made.
"It's a bracelet."
"But what did you enchant it with?"
"Nothing, yet." I looked at the bracelet strange magic was pulsing from it. First the necklace now the bracelet. Did I have a stalker? "This isn't my magic."
"I know."
"Do you know who's?"
"Peter I think someone is here."
"This is Neverland only I know who is here and who isn't."
"Have you checked recently?"
"That's what I thought you would say." I got up and walked outside to investigate. Someone snatched me and flashed away. We appeared in a hollow. I bust out of my kidnapper and spun around. Tinkerbell.
"Nice to see you to."
"I was the one kidnapped so yeah nice to see you to, What is this about?"
"Home." Hook appeared in the door way.
"Oh thank god it's the one handed pirate with a drinking problem, and the jealous fair to my rescue."
"Don't forget the savior." Emma came from behind me. "Lets get out of here."
"Agreed." I flashed with them to hooks ship.
Peter's POV.
When she didn't come back I ran out she was gone.
She was on a pirate ship.
'The heroes' pirate ship. Oh no. I flew to where it was leaving. I was to late. As they opened the portal there was only one thought in my head.
She was gone.

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