Chapter 12: Chamomile Candle

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Same night as last chapter 


Heading into the kitchen, I opened up the fridge for ingredients to make dinner. 

I heard the slight creak of my bakery door opening.

Who would come in so late? Santa Claus? But wasn't Christmas Eve tomorrow?

"Lei?" The familiar deep voice echoed from outside. 


I shut the fridge, pulling off my apron and came out of the kitchen.

He was wearing a long-sleeved white turtleneck with dark jeans. Al was holding a small black bag. 

I'd never seen Al without a suit. Was he sick?

"You look nice," I blurted out.

He gave me a cold nod. Typical.

"Um, how may I help you? I ran out of blueberry pie yesterday and Stef ate all the chocolate biscuits and the cream puffs and the cream cakes. I think the custard pies and the lemon meringue cakes aren't ready either yet so sorry about that. Also, Anta ordered a few cranberry ones yesterday but I don't think you'll like them so maybe-"

"Not here for eating."

I immediately regretted rambling like a lost pigeon.

Do pigeons even ramble?

"So..." I ask, "what brings you here?"


Oh right, we're becoming friends!

"How come?" I asked.

He didn't reply.

Eh, on the other hand he's not so friendly.

"Um, do you want to sit? We can go upstairs or down here is fine, since it's late and there are no customers or people-"

He started up the stairs.

"Upstairs we go then," I followed him upstairs.

I should have cleaned my room this morning.

Books were scattered around the floor and my desk while a heap of dirty clothes were on the floor next to bed. My bed was unmade too. 

"Tidiness isn't my strong point," I smiled sheepishly.

Al didn't say anything.

I kicked the pile of clothes under the bed. 

Al made his way to my nightstand beside the bed.

"I don't have two chairs, um," I looked around awkwardly, "is the floor fine? I can sit on the ground if you'd like my chair or perhaps-"

"Floor's fine."

Al plopped down on the floor and sat cross-legged beside the nightstand.

I did the same, noticing how creaky and hard my floorboards were.

He handed me a box from the black bag he was holding. 

Is he handing it to me?

I took the box from his hands, ""

"For you."

He was definitely sick.

I opened up the paper box, revealing a small candle.

"It's an aromatherapy Chamomile Candle. Aromatherapy candles help improve your sleep. Chamomile helps you fall asleep faster."

"'s a magical sleeping candle thingy?"



"Thank you," I grinned, "but why? I mean it's cool, but why'd you think I needed a sleeping candle?"

"That day at the library," he shrugged.


"You told me you still had dreams about your mother..."

Holy smoking Jesus he remembered.

My stomach did somersaults. 

"I don't know I-" Al stammered, "I assumed you had bad dreams about your mother after what happened...and the men chasing you... so-uh, I figured-"

I pulled him into a bear hug.

He was stiff.

"I-" he seemed taken back by my hug, "do I put my hands around your neck? Or do I-"

"Here," I smiled, "I'll wrap my arms around the neck...and you hug my waist area. Like this."

I took his hands and put them on my waist gently as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

My warm cheek was pressed onto the left side of his neck.

His strong arms were warmer by the time I pulled back from the hug. 

He gave me a small smile.

Al was definitely sick, very sick today.

"Thank you," I smiled, "for the gift and for remembering."

"I'll be going then," he stood up, "it's been a long day."

I followed him down the stairs, the bakery now dark. 

I stood by the glass door with him. Snow was falling gracefully down from the night sky, the bright streets mixed with lights and ice.

"No Tattaglia men stationed?" he asked, wearing a confused expression.

"There haven't been men in days," I shrugged, "probably the holiday season."

"Mafias don't give holiday breaks."

Oh, right. Silly me.

That's odd then...

"Well, goodnight," he said with a small smile. He really should smile more.

Al opened the bakery door as a gust of cold winter blew in.

Even with the quiet and peaceful road, Christmas made the town seem beautiful, shiny, and cheerful.

"Thank you for the candle!" I called out loudly, waving to him from inside the bakery, "and early merry Christmas!"

Al turned to me, his blue eyes glancing into mine. Behind him was the limousine parked outside with three suited men holding the door open.  

"Early Merry Christmas to you too, Lei."


Cute chapter heart

Anyhoooo, hope y'all liked this chapter!


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