Deborah/Frank/Colette (special)(frank and colette explained in chapter)

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I skipped a few days after the last chapter as this is just a quick throw together update and it's a slightly more mature chapter

Right now all the kids are out, well all except for the one I'm pregnant with obviously. I'm just talking the trash out the bins in the kids rooms and get to James' and I see something I didn't expect to was a condom wrapper. I know Riley stayed over again last night like she has been while on break from school. This makes begin to wonder how many times they have had sex since she's been here. I'm not mad at them because A I'm pregnant myself and B they are adults and have been very in love since young teenagers, I'm just a little upset that they would have had to of had sex while piper was on the house.  Yeah pipers a mature teen but she doesn't really need to see her brother having sex. I'll have to talk to James after rileys gone and talk to rileys parents Frank and Colette. I decide since everything is sorted to go and see them now so I pack my handbag, remembering the packet and go.

A/N I will now be swapping to Colletes pov for her and franks home life

I'm just sat at home with Frank while Emily is at work and Matty is out with his Girlfriend Addison, Matty has recently moved back home with us. Obviously rileys out with James. So anyway I'm just sat and me and Frank are just discussing how all 3 of our kids are finally happy I'm relationships when there's a knock at the door. I open it and it's Deborah. After we greet each other she tells me she needs a serious conversation with me and Frank so I let her in. I get her some water since she needs more fluids as she's pregnant then I sit with Frank.

Deborah tells us that she was just at home getting the bins from each of her kids rooms when she found ,in james' room, something. She rummages in her bag and gets out a open condom wrapper. We look at this in shock, we had no idea riley was sexually active, we weren't that surprised about it as they are adults and have been together years but it was a shock still. Frank is relieved that they are protective in sex which is obvious from the wrapper. Deborah explains that she is going to talk to James when Riley goes back for her exams and urges us to talk to Riley at some point. We agree.

Deborah ends up staying over for food so we have a conversation about kids and how she's having another and if James and Riley are definitely active how long it will be before they decide to have any. We all agree that it will probably be soon and that's probably why they even became active.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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