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So I have a small crush on Finn so when I went out with him and piper I felt kinda at a wall. I know he loves piper.

When we had our Starbucks, piper started laughing and spat her double chocolate chip frappacino out her nose. When this happened I saw the look in his eyes and it was clearly the look of love.

I am happy that piper has a guy after her but I wish it wasn't one I am crushing on.

Because I feel at the wall and kinda hurt I go into the studio I have in my basement and I just rehearse a solo.
Through the whole piece I think of Finn and piper and I imagine them kissing. This causes me to tear up slightly so i stop dancing. I go to my room and I try to watch Netflix.  I find myself watching a romcom so I suddenly tear up again. I shut it off and try to write in my diary. I write all about Finn. I slam my diary shut and throw it across the room.

I decide to sing. Not many people know I sing and I like keeping it on the down low. After singing for a bit I decide to meet up with Cassie and we go to the cinema. We meet up and we try to work out which film to watch.  As we are trying to decide I see Finn arrive and look at his phone. I stress about this. I then see piper arrive and they instantly hug. We all end up in the same movie. I pay no attention to them until we leave.

As we leave I hear piper tell Finn she should probably go home and see if her mum needs help. I glance over just in time to see piper suddenly press her lips against Finns and they kiss. Piper then runs out.

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