Chapter 21: Wager

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Rose had never been more grateful that she'd chosen to wear pants than today

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Rose had never been more grateful that she'd chosen to wear pants than today. She would have never guessed that Lancet would subject her to a race. Her only regret was not having brought more comfortable shoes.

"The rules are simple. Five laps on a closed track. No racing through the city. No weapons. No mines."

"I appreciate that. I don't plan on dying today."

"You are to race my men. Your goal is to avoid being in last place."

"You're not joining? And last place? Underestimating me much?"

"Oh no, princess, if I was underestimating you, I would have you race only one of my men. And I'll need to watch the race to properly gauge your skill."

"How kind," Rose grimaced.

"Clear out the weaponry, boys. Smokers only. No live ammunition."

Cutter, Skiver, Cross, and Stitch hesitated. When Lancet dropped his cigarette to snub it with his foot, he gave them one last warning.

"Did I stutter?"

"N-no, boss," Skiver said. The rest followed suite.

Rose had finished unstrapping her sandals when she approached Lancet barefoot.

"And what exactly am I driving? If I'd known that I was going to wager my access to Gervassio's office today, I would have brought a vehicle from my collection."

"No need," Lancet said. "You'll be taking my Bayonet."

It was as if all sound was sucked out of the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at Lancet in shock. Even Rose's mouth had dropped before she caught herself and closed it.

"You see? I'm not underestimating you at all. You'll need every advantage you can against my men who are veterans out on the tracks. We'll see how far your 'hobby' takes you."

At first, Rose couldn't feel her toes and fingers. Something was bubbling up from deep within her until she smiled ear to ear like an excited child.

As the mob boss for the Gloxinia family, she tried to restrain squealing, but failed.

"The Bayonet! I can drive it?"

"I don't think I need to say it, but I'll say it anyway. You destroy her, you will pay with your life."

Rose was too excited to care about his threats and skipped over to the car.

"Oh, my love, I can't wait to feel you under my feet and in my hands. I've waited all my life for this!"

Annoyed that she was unfazed by him, the Atro Grand Champion tried to repeat himself, but was interrupted when she bounced back in front of him.

"I'm so happy, I could kiss you! Again! Oh, dash it, I'll kiss you anyway."

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