Chapter 15: The Failed Engagement

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Lancet followed Rose to an iron table in a sunroom hidden inside a very elaborate garden

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Lancet followed Rose to an iron table in a sunroom hidden inside a very elaborate garden. From top to bottom, it was covered in plants, flowers, and vines. It was a beautiful alcove that felt as if you were sitting in the middle of a forest. It was clear why Rose chose this place — privacy.

On the table was a three tier tower of finger sandwiches. Rose didn't waste time in helping herself to some.

"I'm starved. Isaac will come for us when dinner is ready so until then?"

She gestured that he join her. She was right again. The walk calmed them.

The retiree helped himself to the snacks as well, taking a moment to relish in the ice cold tea cooling off his body. Rose waited until they ate before she spoke.

"I was supposed to be in an arranged marriage," she admitted, "but I'm sure you knew that."

"I did," he nodded. "Even before our little escapade two years ago. Before I met you personally."

This made her smile and he knew she was recalling the memory of said escapade.

"Yes. So... unfortunately, with the exception of Kayos, the demand for weapons isn't always constant. There are always collectors, but it's not always enough. As of my father's generation, my family began seeking something to even out fluctuations in our income. My father's idea was to marry me into another family. I happened upon James Baxter during one of my rebellious night outings with the girls, and we caught each other's eye."

"Right." That was no surprise. Even when he'd met her at eighteen, Rose Gloxinia was a sight to behold. He was sure she had plenty suitors lined up, so it was a wonder that she settled on Baxter. Lancet couldn't resist asking.

"Why the Baxter heir?"

Lancet watched her lick her fingers clean, and his eyes on her intensified.

"Oh, I'm sure you know. I've always had a thing for dangerous boys."


Rose grinned at him before reaching for another sandwich.

"It seemed like the perfect match. A family of mixed martial artists, trained killers, combined with a family who built some of the deadliest machines on the planet. Together, they would be a force to be reckoned with. Honestly, I thought father would flat out reject James, but from the long list of suitors my father tried to woo me with, James was the only one I wanted."

This must be the part where something went wrong...

"We were engaged for a while, but we weren't to marry until after I graduated. It wasn't long before my graduation when-"

He watched her hesitate. From their discussion about Lucia minutes before, he understood completely.

"Theodore Fratto. The heir to the Fratto family. He was one of the suitors father tried to pair me with before my engagement to James. James was very jealous. Theo wasn't one to give up, and I'm not sure what happened but," she swallowed audibly, "James killed him."

Lancet already knew the details. A little over two years ago, the body of Theodore Fratto was discovered on the grounds where Rose Gloxinia attended private school. They found him in the courtyard, his skull literally cracked open like a melon. With so many witnesses, there was no question who had done it. James Baxter wasn't known to be shy with his "victories".

Lancet was more familiar with the Frattos than Rose was aware, but he had already revealed too much, and kept his composure.

"That should have caused a war between the Frattos and the Baxters."

"Oh, it did. There were casualties on both sides until... James got the call. I don't know if his father had the heart to do it or if the berk just dropped out of touch. I haven't heard from him since the day Theo was killed."

Lancet noted that she kept referring to the late Theodore Fratto as "Theo". He guessed that while Rose didn't want Theodore as a husband, she wasn't entirely unfriendly to the Fratto heir.

She must think his death is on her.

"Anyway, with that match up down the shitter, it didn't do well for any of the families involved. It was a poor business decision on my part — falling for the Baxter heir. I'm still making up for it till this day. Since my failed engagement, my sole mission has been to keep my family afloat. That's why I need in on the armed racing franchise."

Rose grew quiet then. Her eyes wandering to their feet as they listened to the tinkling of the spoon she stirred her iced tea with.

"This is the Gloxinia garden," she said, changing the subject, "It has some of the rarest flowers in the country. Let me show you."

Rose got up and grabbed his wrist. It happened so fast, he wasn't sure she meant to do it, but he allowed it. Rose pulled him deeper into the foliage as she rambled on plant names no normal person would memorize.

At some point, they passed a patch of golden flowers. Despite that Lancet had zero interest in plants, the way they shimmered in the sun caught his attention. He'd never seen anything like it. Just as he leaned forward to touch one, Rose yelled.


Rose reached out to stop him and seized his hand. He noticed her wince after.

For a man trying to propose to his ex-fiancee, Baxter is doing a shit job.

"I know those are very beautiful, but they're also very deadly. One touch to your lips and you're a goner."

"That sounds like someone."

"Not true," she protested, his large hand still tangled in her soft fingers, resting against her collarbone. "You're still alive after your encounter with me," she whispered.

Rose released his hand to turn her back towards him as soon as he noticed her cheeks flush.

"We call these Rubia Peligrosas. They were a favorite poison of my father's. Untraceable in autopsies unless you know what you're looking for."

"And that would be?"

"Once you touch these flowers, the residue remains on your skin for days even after washing. You'd need a special bath to remove the residue or to take the antidote daily until the effect wears off. It isn't until a few hours from contact that you'll notice the effect though. They stain your skin green..."

As soon as she said it, his adrenaline shot through the roof.

"Is that- normal?"

"Stitch. Take some photos of that, and close this back up."

"I see... and how common are these particular flowers?"

When she answered, she was oblivious to the murderous intent beginning to radiate from him.

"In this country? You can only find them in two places — the government labs, and here, in our garden."

Lancet raised his hands to Rose's bare shoulders. He pressed his chest against her back, causing her to gasp in surprise. When the racer whispered against the shell of her ear, his canines were eerily threatening.

"You really shouldn't give your back to your enemy, Rose. With a neck as fragile as yours, it would be easy to snap it in two..."


A/N: Rubia peligrosa means "dangerous blonde". It's also a nickname my abuela had for me because I was a blonde baby. She always called me her rubia peligrosa. 

I've been looking for a beta reader. I'm at a point in the story that having someone to bounce ideas off of would be super helpful. Or someone to give me feedback in general. If there's any volunteers, DM me. :-)

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