Chapter 55: Disappear

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"This is preposterous!" Luxor stomped in the alley behind the venue. "A disgrace to the Blaze name, and an insult to us all!"

Bakemono nodded vaguely at Luxor's outrage, taking a drag from his cigar as watched the head of the pleasure district have a tantrum. "How are you not pissed?"

Bakemono smoothed back his tied hair with one hand as he blew out cigar smoke from his mustached lips. "My business is unaffected," he shrugged. "If anything, it'd be nice to get discounts on guns from the Gloxis. As for Gallagher, and Rapine, you know Rapine's only loyalty is to money, and Gallagher will probably be happy that the Gloxis aren't going to keep snatching up the restaurants."

"I think you guys are missing the big picture here. We're The Four, hand picked by Gervassio himself to run the city's most profitable districts outside of racing. And no one has anything to say now about being part of this Steel Family?" Luxor spat the name out as if it tasted bad. "Steel was just some dirty, snot nosed brat when Gervassio found him. We can't let this orphan from Kayos, this outsider, just re-brand."

"I think that decision was already made when Boss Blaze named Lancet as beneficiary. None of us were too thrilled at first, but since Lancet's stay in Butcheree Cliffs, he's been doing right by us, and our respective districts. I hear even your employees got a boost a while back."

Luxor cringed. "Yeah, at my expense! You think he asked me before he did that! No. This is too much, and Lancet's too big for his britches. Someone needs to remind him of his place."

Luxor stormed up to the metal door that led back into the venue, but was blocked by two of Bakemono's muscle heads.

"Hey, what're you doing? Move. Bakemono, tell your guys to-"

When Luxor whipped around to look at Bakemono, he was casually snubbing his cigar into the wall, and staring at his watch. Just then, the ominous hinging of metal sounded. Luxor's heart dropped into his stomach.

"Speaking of knowing your place," came Lancet's voice as he stood in the doorway Luxor had just tried to enter.

"What the hell is this, Lancet? Why are you keeping me here? You got out of Butcheree, I lost some teeth, suffered some broken bones, and took a pay cut. I thought we were square."

Lancet answered him with a low, icy chuckle. "Square? Oh no, you, and I, Luxor? We're square. You, and my boy, Skiver on the other hand..."

Lancet stepped aside to reveal Skiver behind him, heaving with anger, and wearing a tank-top instead of a blazer. The man's tattooed arms pulsed with intent. The look in Skiver's eyes was like staring into death itself. Luxor forgot how to breath. His body hadn't forgotten what Skiver's fists felt like.

"No- Bakemono, you can't let him do this!"

Bakemono gestured to his men to guard the end of the alleyway from possible witnesses. "Sorry, Luxor. I did say Lancet has been doing right by us. In fact, he gave us all an offer we can't refuse." Bakemono paused for effect before he clarified. "The Four are over. With you gone, we'll be three. And we each get a piece of your turf."

"You greedy bastards!" Luxor wheezed, instinct taking over as he reached for his gun, but not before Bakemono twisted his wrist, and disarmed him.

"You only have yourself to blame," Lancet said. "Your little spy plan worked too well. But you failed to predict Sienna actually falling for her target, and you didn't account for what would happen if said target returned her affections in earnest. Can't say I blame you entirely. Skiver isn't usually so devoted to one woman, but I have to hand it to you, Luxor. You have a keen eye when catering to your customer's desires. You found Skiver's match."

Luxor blinked between Lancet, and Skiver, too stunned to speak.

"We have Sienna, you know," Lancet continued. "Somewhere safe. She told us about how you hauled her underground. Wanted to sell her to the highest bidder away from Atro once I made the connection that you were using her for intel. But her feistiness was an asset, and she escaped. Pretty dress you put her in by the way, but I don't think Skiver appreciated the lashing you gave her."

At this, Skiver barked, making Luxor squeal. Embarrassed by the undignified sound that escaped him, Luxor screeched, "You've got to be fuckin' kidding me! Sienna's just a high end call girl! I own her! She's Blaze family property-"

Skiver's fist careening into his jaw was so fast, Luxor didn't process he was hit until he was sprawled out against the cold cement, flat on his ass, and nursing his bleeding mouth.

"Sienna is Skiver's now," Lancet said. "And Skiver has some harsh opinions about how his lady was manhandled, don't you, Skiver?"

"Yeah. I do," Skiver growled, looking as feral as a wild animal looking to tear him to pieces. "But I can't hold back this time, Boss. I'm sorry, but I-"

"Luxor's all yours, Skiver. When you're done, Bakemono will help you disappear him, won't you, Bakemono?"

"You got it, Boss Steel," Bakemono answered.

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lady of my own to tend to. It is my birthday after all. Night, boys."

"No! No, you can't!"

Luxor felt heat spread from his core, and when he looked down, he realized he'd wet himself. The last thing Luxor saw was the door closing as Lancet turned back into the building, and Skiver flying at him in blind, murderous rage.


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